150 Mikas Verdic (1/2)

Battle of Ascension HotIce 29490K 2022-07-22

Afterward the news King Beast was higher than Ancient Beast spread over. Even though not everyone believed it, nevertheless majority people believe it as they had a good impression of Happy Guild, especially for the permanent resident of Evergreen City, they believe it.

Besides this, the gossip about the Dragon Dynasty made the fake Territory King's information also spread out. Also, the trick behind the fake information which posted in the forum also spread.

Even though the news spread only limited in Evergreen City, nevertheless it was just a matter of time before the gossip spread over the East City.

Surely, this gossip would make people had a worse impression of the Dragon Dynasty despite there was no proof but the power of gossip was dreadful. Even though the gossip was not a hundred percent true, but the people would have a bad impression of Dragon Dynasty through the gossip.

Iman Saputra didn't know his words would spread like a wildfire despite he only had an argument with a person.

Meanwhile, in the front of Happy Restaurant, Randy was sitting in a chair, looking at the Primeval Nether Wolf while the latter also looked back.

Despite the door of death was on its face. Primeval Nether Wolf's expression was full of hatred and unyielding.

Looking at Primeval Nether Wolf, he had an urge to kill the wolf, but he restrained it. He intended to let Michael's family and Widi's family decided what they wanted to do to avenge for Michael and Widi.

Not long after, the chef of Happy Guild came out along with Zhen Yi. Even Almira followed behind. But after looking at the miserable wolf which was lying down on the ground, the girl's face paled.

The destroyed mouth and the cut on the wolf's limbs, the puddle of blood below the wolf which frightened them. But to Randy surprise, Mika was the only one had a calm expression as she looked at the wolf.

Only Mika who was coming forward, approaching Randy and the wolf. She stopped beside Randy and asked,

”Brother Randy, is it this wolf which killed my big brother?” Mika asked with a shaky yet cold voice. But the shaky voice not because of afraid the wolf, from Mika's expression Randy guessed this girl agitated as the beast killed her big brother was in the front.

Randy turned his head to the wolf back after took a glance at Mika and confirmed, ”Yep, this one. Even though it already evolved, but I recognized in a single look. Wait for Uncle Daniel and Billy and you can kill it together with them if you want to,”

”Thank you,” Said Mika without turned her head to Randy as her eyes never left the miserable wolf on the ground the moment she came out from the Happy Restaurant.

Soon, the girls also came closer and before finally Uncle Daniel and Billy also caught up here. Uncle Daniel glanced at the wolf which slowly dying. He took a heavy sigh and shook his head.

”Alright, I let you guys take ”care” of it,” Surprisingly, Uncle Daniel only took a glance before headed back while waving his hand. Randy thought he would have an impulse to kill the wolf, but he only put a sad and sorrow look before he went back.

Afterward, Randy glanced at the paled Billy. This was the first time for him to see the bloody beast. In fact, this was his first time to see a beast this close. He didn't how to react, he looked to the right and left before spotted his mother.

From his father's reaction and Randy story which he told four months ago. He guessed this wolf was the one killed his big brother. He took a deep breath, trying to act calm before walking toward his mother and the girls.

Randy shook his head, it was not he ridiculed Billy. it was he felt amused at Billy's reaction inwardly. He too, the first time he was looking at the beast was afraid.

Then, Randy looked at Mika, who was the one calm from the start and only a bit agitated.

”So, what is the judgment? Please give the verdict,” Randy asked the calmest girl, Mika. Also, he brought the wolf alive was because of Mika's request. If there was no Mika's request, he would only bring the wolf's head back and tell them he already killed the wolf.

Hearing Randy's words, Mika paused and took a knife from her Storage System. But suddenly she realized that it was not only her revenge but also the others.