43 Saying Goodbye (1/2)

43 Saying Goodbye

Translator: Kats | Editor: Perriemix

Ye Jiayao saw his worried look and the beads of sweat on his forehead and laughed. ”Why are you so worried? You've got to be the only person I know who's worried that his creditor won't find him. I am embarrassingly poor, if I don't charge you for your debt, how else will I survive? It's Helian mansion, right? I promise that I'll go look for you.”

Helian Jing relaxed a little after hearing her vow. He put his hand out and made her pledge by slapping each other's palm.

Ye Jiayao readily slapped his hand to ease his worries.

”Now, go and get ready. Don't let others wait for you for too long.” Ye Jiayao punched his shoulder affectionately.

Helian Jing gave into the sudden impulse to hug her.

Ye Jiayao was immobile with surprise.

”Big Raorao, you must come,” he whispered next to her ear as he hugged her. He gave her one last squeeze before turning around to leave. He was afraid that he would cry if he spent a moment longer with her.

Why is it so painful?

Suddenly, his heart felt empty and cold. He felt like a little kid that lost his favorite toy. It was just like when big Raorao denied association to him and he stood under a roof, watching the rain fall around him.

He stopped just by the dock and looked back at the boat. Ye Jiayao was waving at him, and he waved back unenthusiastically. ”Big Raorao, you'll come, right? If you don't come to me, I don't know where I can find you.”

Ye Jiayao waited until he was gone before walking back inside the cabin, carrying the china doll that he gifted her. She looked up at the planks at the top of the boat so that her tears wouldn't fall.

Little Jingjing left. She felt changed.

When she had fled from Black Wind Ridge, she didn't cry. She didn't want to cry. She felt upset and disappointed and she didn't want to shed a tear for that stupid donkey.

Little Jingjing is different. In so many ways, he became just like her little brother. Bickering with him turned awful days into something bearable. He made their tough journey fun and less like a suffering.

Would everyone she cared about leave her eventually?

She waited until she had control of her tears before taking out the copper coins from her broken jar and putting it into the adorable doll Helian Jing got her. Ye Jiayao saved up some money so that she could buy some relatively good clothes for him when they arrived at Jin Ling. She didn't want to send him home to his family with his ratty look.

Now… the money was useless.

The canal at night sparkled under the cold silver moon and ethereal twinkling stars. The fishing light from faraway eventually disappeared from her sight.

Helian Jing sat at the end of the boat, holding the dough figurine that Ye Jiayao gave him as he stared blankly at the dark night.

What is big Raorao doing right now?

Xia Chunyu noticed that little Jing had been sat at the end of the boat for quite a while, so he went over to him to see what was wrong.

”Are you still thinking of your friend?” Xia Chunyu asked.

Helian Jing was not in the mood to talk and stayed quiet.

Xia Chunyu sighed. ”If you are worried about your friend, let me give him some silvers so you don't owe him anything.”

Helian Jing said sulkily, ”You can't give him silvers. If you pay him off, he won't come after me anymore.”

”Having a connection with Jing young Royal Highness is a dream for many people. Don't worry, he will definitely look for you,” Xia Chunyu assured him calmly.

”Big Raorao is not that type of person! He is different,” Helian Jing countered angrily.

Xia Chunyu's curiosity was evident in his smile. ”Oh? Why do you say that? Last time I checked, you can't see through a person's heart.”

Helian Jing sounded like a child as he insisted, ”I just know, okay? Big Raorao is different.”

You know? You know nothing! You're just a willful kid who never grows up. You're too naive and trusting. Just because someone gave you a bun when you were hungry, that doesn't mean they're a good person.

”Running away may have made you more capable, but you still are the same child who doesn't think things through. Didn't you ever think of how worried your mother would be? You just did what you wanted and damn the consequences,” Xia Chunyu ranted, fed up with Helian Jing's antics.

”Why could my brother go on an expedition when he was just 14 and I had to stay at home and do nothing? You even had people to command at 16!” Helian Jing rebutted.

”Don't you get it? They're worried about you. The first time you stepped out of the palace, your money was stolen and you had to rely on someone to keep you alive. You almost became a beggar! With that little skills, it's no wonder they don't let you out.”

Luckily, little Jing was like his little brother so Xia Chunyu could freely give him the scolding he deserved.

Helian Jing's face turned red with embarrassment. ”How would I learn if I they don't let me go? Were you already perfect at the beginning?

Xia Chunyu arched his brows and haughtily said, ”You tell me.”