34 Revealing day (1/1)
One day kaju and her sister planned to go for a movie, Its a funny movie in which a women who was unsuccessful in all her attempts to becomeaenterpreneur finally succeded in becoming a radio artist. She has to perform nightduties where eveykind of persons called her , sometimes insult her but with her wittiness she overcomes with them and used it in her jokes.
In interval kaju realised somebody is calling her, she saw 5 missed calls. with the same number she got 3 messages on whatsup in morning but she didnot open them as it is unknown.
Kaju was frightened who is trying to talk to her. Is anything important, so she hurriedly open the messages
1 Do you want monu to die.
2 You are responsible for all her bad addiction of smoking and drinking
3 Leave him if you want him to survive.
Then there are two voice messages too , kaju could not open them as her sister was sitting with her.
kaju tried to know who is this person and found out that it was 'Priyanka'.
kaju couldnotbelieve her eyes why she sends such daunting messages to her and from where she gets her number.
She couldnot analyze anything , in her mind all these 3 messages were shouting making her thinking power numb. Is she too bad that monu has reached to this situation where he secretly drinks and want to die.
kaju thought she never asked monu for any favours , not put a financial burden everytime they go out kaju pays for her part. She shops for monu as he don't have time , do everything possible in her hands whereas monu on other side could not be there for kaju for a single thing and even give her suggestions to make other friends to overcome her loneliness.
For her 6 years of love , passion , loyality this is how monu is returning things back to her.
When she came out from the hall , she listened those conversations , in it monu was promising to priyanka that he will marry her .
kaju couldnot control her anger firstly that bitch girl sends her messages that meant kajutreats monu badly and know a conversation where monu is betraying her.
kaju recalled monu's lines , he had told her that he treats priyanka as sister , How can somebody ask her sister to get married to him.Monu told that he don't even look other girls and now he is sharing all his secrets , feelings.
kaji realised monu don't likes her , its just a habit, maybe he is suffocating in this relationship but doesnot have strength to told kaju.
Its like a thunder full of heavy clouds burst on kaju , she couldnot understand what to do , where she went wrong.