4 Next day (1/1)


They all agreed to meet next day afternoon. Weather was quite pleasant . people ,couples and children were roaming in park.Monu's group and that girl kaju met. They do warmup which was monu's favourite part as he is attracted to see a girl running.

After that they begin playing , all were very supportive of that girl and soon became good friends. kaju also enjoy their company. kaju notices that monu looks every beautiful girl and secretly admire her , she feels jealous because he didnt look at her with same eyes, but she consoles herself that one day somebody will also admire her despite she doesnt have good looks.

kaju was born as very beautiful girl but since she plays a game which is being played in an open ground her skin become burnt as it is very sensitive . Plus she looks like athlete but she didnt shed her lucrative parts that is her breast , which helps people to realise yes that is @