Volume III Part 48 (1/2)
In hard winters elkes a kind of wild swan are seen in no small numbers, in whoe recurvation of the windpipe through the sternon, and the same is also obseruable in cranes Tis probable they come very farre for all the northern discouerers have obserued them in the remotest parts and like diuers other northern birds if the winter bee mild they commonly coo lower and seeke more southern places Which is the cause that sometimes wee see them not before christe and strong billd fowle called a Ganet which seereater sort of Larus, whereof I reyhound neere Swaffaht and would not bee forced to take wing, another intangled in an herring net which taken aliue was fed with herrings for a while Itwhite and the top of the wings browne
In hard winters I have alsobilld fohich Clusius describeth by the name of Skua Hoyeri sent him from the Faro Island by Hoierus a physitian, one whereof was shot at Hickling while 2 thereof were feeding upon a dead horse
As also that large and strong billd fowle spotted like a starling which Clusius naus maior farrnsis as frequently the Faro islands seated above Shetland, one whereof I sent unto h
Here is also the pica marina or seapye, reat abundance in herring time about Yarmouth
Larus alba or puets in such plentie about Horsey that they so them in carts to Norwich and sell thees in puddings and otherwise Great plentie thereof haue bred about Scoulton reater and smaller, butt a coars meat; commonly called sternes
Hirundo marina or sea se a neat white and forked tayle bird butt longer then a se
The ciconia or stork I have seen in the fennes and some haue been shot in the marshes between this and Yarmouth
The platea or shouelard, which build upon the topps of high trees They haue formerly built in the Hernerie at Claxton and Reedham now at Trimley in Suffolk They come in March and are shot by fowlers not for their meat butt the handsomenesse of the same, remarkable in their white colour copped crowne and spoone or spatule like bill
Corvusat Reedha Charles the first ont to bee supplyed Beside the Rock cormorant which breedeth in the rocks in northerne countries and co fros
A sea fowl called a shearwater, so and feirce fowle houering about shi+pps when they cleanse their fish 2 were kept 6 weekes cra them with fish which they would not feed on of themselues The seaiuing ouer to feed the
Barnacles Brants Branta are coanders a noble coloured fowle vulpanser which breed in cunny burrowes about Norrold and other places
Wild geese Anser ferus
Scoch goose Anser scoticus
Goshander us acutirostris speciosus or Loone an handsome and specious fowle cristated and with diuided finne feet placed very backward and after the manner of all such which the Duch call Arsvoote They haue a peculiar for and sharpe processe extending aboue the thigh bone They co their nest on the water that their egges are seldous acutarostris cinereus which seeus minor the smaller diuers or dabchicks in riuers and broade waters
Mergus serratus the saw billd diuer bigger and longer than a duck distinguished from other diuers by a notable sawe bill to retaine its slipperie pray as liuing much upon eeles whereof we haue seldome fayled to find some in their bellies
Diuers other sorts of diuefowle raye dunne and the variegated or partie coloured wesell so called from the resemblance it beareth vnto a wesell in the head
Many sorts of wild ducks which passe under nanification as seon Arts ankers noblets
The most remarkable are Anas platyrinchos a re some resemblance unto that bird in some fethers in the tayle