Volume III Part 33 (1/2)
14 King _Mithridates_ his _Oneirocritica_
Aristotle de _Precationibus_
Democritus _de his quae fiunt apud Orcuatio_
Epicurus _de Pietate_
A Tragedy of _Thyestes_, and another of _Medea_, writ by _Diogenes_ the Cynick
King _Alfred_ upon _Aristotle de Plantis_
_Seneca's_ Epistles to S _Paul_
King _Solomon de Umbris Idaearum_, which _Chicus Asculaenus_, in his Comment upon _Johannes de Sacrobosco_, would make us believe he saw in the Library of the Duke of _Bavaria_
15 Arteoras _de Mari Rubro_
The Works of _Confutius_ the famous Philosopher of _China_, translated into Spanish
16 _Josephus_ in Hebreritten by himself
17 The Commentaries of _Sylla_ the Dictatour
18 A Coue of _Athens_ described by _Thucydides_
19 _Duo Caesaris Anti-Catones_, or the two notable Books writ by _Julius Caesar_ against _Cato_; mentioned by _Livy_, _Salustius_ and _Juvenal_; which the Cardinal of _Liege_ told _Ludovicus Vives_ were in an old Library of that City
_Mazhapha Einok_, or, the Prophecy of _Enoch_, which _aegidius Lochiensis_, a learned Eastern Traveller, told _Peireschius_ that he had found in an old Library at _Alexandria_ containing eight thousand Volumes
20 A Collection of Hebrew Epistles, which passed between the two learned Woe _Maria Molinea_ of _Sedan_, and _Maria Schurs of _Ludovica Saracenica_, Daughter of _Philibertus Saracenicus_ a Physician of _Lyons_, who at eight years of age had ues
2 Rarities in Pictures