32 Back home (1/2)
Mandy heard the sound of hands clapping. Eh? It came from the room with the apple tree... were they back?
Looked like Ian had noticed too.
Some voices followed, even if Mandy couldn't quite catch the words, she heard August's, Leum's and Veri's voices and soon Albus came out from in-between the branches.
”Food,” Albus requested weakly.
”You'll be staying for dinner, right?” Mandy asked Ian, as she got up. It looked like Albus had worked hard and without much reward.
Ian nodded, staying where he was.
As Mandy started to prepare sandwiches, August and the other two came out as well. They all looked tired as far as Mandy could tell, but different to Albus those three looked to be in a very good mood. Veri had a huge chest in her hands and she placed it down by the wall.
They all sat down around the place where Mandy and Ian had had their tea party.
Leum glanced over at Nelly and crossed his arms in thought. ”Aug, is it a problem if Ian runs into deep trouble?”
Ian, Chilli, and Nelly all froze, looking at Leum wide-eyed.
”What?” Ian uttered, then looked over at Chilli, who shrugged her shoulders.
”...Yes, it would be a problem,” August said, confused.
”In that case, I'd recommend Ian to spend Friday here, especially the night,”
Leum said.
Ian looked confused, but something seemed to pass his mind. ”A storm is coming?”
Leum nodded.
”And that means?” August asked.
Ian too looked at Leum, the confusion still there.
”I had a feeling this knowledge might be lost since I haven't seen any ferals around. In short, in the age of legends, there was a tribe who raised wittens with the goal of contracting them, since that way it is possible to develop a water alignment aptitude. There's one problem, though - during the first storm after contract the master's body goes through a change, and they go berserk for the night.”
August looked interested.
Ian was shocked speechless.
”Is that why she ended up being a high grade familiar despite being a witten?” August asked.
Leum nodded.
Ian looked at the two of them with disbelief. ”Berserk?”
”Yes, you might go around destroying things and hurting people without knowing what you are doing,” Leum said.
Ian gulped. ”Then let me impose, please,” he said.
In the background, Mandy had borrowed Riveria for heating up cans of all kinds of food and soon brought over Budha bowls for everyone and a teacup of chilis for Chilli. She had been listening to that conversation, but Ian and August had asked all the questions she would have asked. Looked like Ian would have been in trouble, but things would work out as long as he stayed a night at their place.
”How did it go?” Mandy asked about their side of things with sparkling eyes. It had been a pity she couldn't go, but she sure expected a story at least.
”Good,” August had been about to end the story at that, but continued seeing Mandy's look. ”We saved the prince, dumped him on Tiamat, then Tiamat went around to clean up the mess and I got some unexpected rewards.”
Mandy smiled, hearing that. That was good then.
”It looks like Salamanders won't come to destroy my housing anymore and the mess in the library will also clear up - but to pay for resolving that I'll need to accompany Tiamat on some strolls and block her presence,” August added.
Oh. Okay. ”Can I come along?” Mandy asked.
”Leum and Veri will need to guard her nest, but you and Albus can probably come along,” August said.
Leum and Veri didn't look happy about the plan, but they seemed to accept that.
August spoke to Ian then. ”I will send Kenneth a text about the results and will tell that you are under an oath, so he won't ask you for details.”
Ian nodded at that.
No one asked, so Mandy didn't tell about her conversation with Ian and all the interesting bits she had heard. She knew that August had an upcoming deadline, so all fact-checking would need to wait.
As soon as August was done with food, Mandy saw him write up a text.
[Ian is silent. I removed the problem from the city. It's above your paygrade. 7,8,9 might act up still, rest are resolved.]
That sure was an unsatisfying report, but it was a very August-like report.
[Wow! Thanks!] Was the reply from Kenneth.
Kenneth seemed happy about it, though, so she supposed it was fine.
Unlike Mandy's expectations, August didn't move on to writing as soon as he was done with food and waited for Ian to leave, before asking.
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”Leum, can you find out if Dustbun organs would fall under haste potion effects?”