4 Corridor of Wandering Souls (1/2)

Somewhere in the God Realm (Still Two Weeks Before the Present)

Silence draped the room as a fierce wave of killing intent boiled within. Calamity clenched his fists as he struggled to contain his anger. He shivered in agitation as his sharp eyes stabbed into the man standing before him.

”What did you just say?” He asked again, his tone icily cold.

The man gulped, struggling to maintain eye contact. ”Th-The last we saw him, he was banished into the Corridor of Wandering Souls.”

Silence once more.

What was the Corridor of Wandering Souls? Why, it's the very place where Gods, Demigods, and other immortal beings are banished, forever forced to wander aimlessly. Alone. Only the Creator could free one from banishment. But even that is impossible because the Creator does not exist in their world to help nor care.

”Are you sure?”

”Y-yes. Calamitis was banished just as he touched the door leading to the System. We tried to stop him...” The man stopped talking, afraid to continue. In fact, he couldn't continue. He knew, deep down, that Calamity wouldn't accept the words ”We tried our best” even if it was the honest truth.

Calamity sunk back into his chair.

”Get out of my sight.” He growled.

The man bowed before fleeing the room, scared out of his wits.

Calamity closed his eyes, sighing.

He wanted to scream. To shout. To curse and rage. But in the end, what would that get him? Nothing.All the raging and sorrow in the world couldn't give him his son back.


Back to Me

After pondering many of life's great mysteries, I finally decided to get my ass moving.

Maybe, with a stroke of luck, I could find someone to ask for help. And maybe a little bit of information.

After a bit of wondering, it was still dark and lonely as ever. But at least I made some progress.