Chapter 64 - A Difficult Situation (1/2)

After lunch all the students were confined to the interior of the dorm so that they could settle down and find their rooms. If getting the children inside to eat gave Hal a migraine, getting them to be calm and help find their rooms was like having multiple heart attacks.

In the corner Lydis quietly sipped her juice box. Seeing Hal become frustrated, flare up but then become deflated was like watching a flickering fire. As Lydis reached the bottom of her juice box another one appeared on the short table beside her chair. Just as she placed the empty one down, it would be taken away by the group of five around her. Skillfully, Min-young slid another juice box next to Lydis's hand.

Without much effort. Lydis grabbed the new juice box, opened the fresh seal, let the straw pop out, and drank blissfully.

The juice in the boxes was a mixture of vitamins, strengthening chemicals, and a sweet tangy flavor. When Lydis had first discovered them served with their lunch she didn't think much about it but when Ui broke down the ingredients it found that the juice box was supposed to help students recover and reinforce their bodies. Although only in small amounts, Lydis would definitely take advantage of these free juice boxes.

On the side Min-Young was ecstatic. Earlier he had seen Lydis hauling an armful of juice boxes to the corner he saw that as an opportunity to become closer to Lydis, if he could at all. It should be said that those with bad intentions will have bad luck while those without will have good luck!

Somewhere in his room, Bennox sneezed hard. Owen looked up from removing his bandages, his head tilted as if asking a question.

”Ah, it's nothing.”

”If you say so…” Owen returned to the job of peeling the sticky bandages off, each pull tugging at his still sore wounds. Bennox on the other hand had gotten some healing cream from the medic center and was in the middle of gently applying it to his face. He'd already went through the pain of removing his bandages.

Back in the lounge area Lydis couldn't help but eye Min-Young. When he had approached Lydis, she thought it was him trying to become closer to an elite, but he brought along his previous group. Since he had seemed to be liked well by others, it was highly possible for him to have good connections as well. Just for that fact, Lydis wanted to test him a little. As he introduced himself Lydis cut him off.

”Hi there! I don't know if you remember but we met outside. I-”

”Did you need something?” Lydis's voice wasn't agitated but it had hints of indifference. Without skipping a beat, Min-Young continued the conversation.

”My name is Min-Young. We wanted to thank you for helping us earlier. Dorm head Hal was too scary to approach alone.”

”Mhmm. Anything else?”

”We wanted to show our thanks as well. Is there anything we could do to help you?”

Lydis looked at the half empty juice box had an idea to put Min-Young to use.

”Get me as many of these juices as you can. I've, taken a liking to them.”

Min-Young's smile became larger as he felt relieved. Initially, he didn't expect Lydis to ask much of him, but it seemed that he was tasked with something important, possibly... maybe…

Nodding his head furiously, Min-Young directed two of the other members to help him carry more juices while the little girl and another stayed by Lydis.

A girl with short pale pink hair leaned into Lydis's view. Lydis ignored her stares and continued to drink her juice while observing the chaotic children around her.

The girl continued to stare at Lydis.

A few minutes passed before Lydis placed down her juice.

*sigh* ”What? Did you need something too?”

The girl flinched but didn't avert her eyes.

”How can you like something so disgusting? It tastes like stinky feet. Even if Min-Jung was starving, Min-Jung would not drink something so useless.”

Min-Young was nearby when he heard what the little girl had said. As soon as those words left her mouth, Min-Young's mind went blank. The two following Min-Young, arms full of juice boxes, barely managed to not crash into each other at Min-Young's abrupt stop. Confused, both glanced at Min-Young's mortified expression.

Lydis smiled slightly.

”Hmm. For your courage, I'll say this. There isn't anything that is useless.” Lydis pointed at Min-Jung.

The little girl tilted her head but backed away when she noticed Min-Young running at them. Making sure to place the juice boxes down gently, Min-Young grabbed the Min-Jung and bowed both of their heads.

”Elite cadet Lydis, I apologize for my sister's impudence!” Min-Young pushed the little girl's head into the floor, his own practically smashing into the hard floor. The loud bang that echoed slightly, proved how hard he had hit himself.

”Brother! It hurts, why is Min-Jung on the floor? Why Is brother on the floor?” The girl wanted to continue to fuss but her brother's scolding stare made her shirk back.

”Please don't punish her, I'm the one to blame! I dd not teach her well!” Min-Young bashed his head on the floor again.

Lydis wasn't sure how to react. She'd only been teasing the girl called Min-Jung, it wasn't like she was going to harm Min-Jung or anything. Lydis had already decided that carving up a child wasn't fun, nor thrilling.

”Stand. Min-Jung didn't do anything wrong, therefore, there is no need for me to punish her. Did you bring what I asked?”