Chapter 57 - Crill & Co (1/2)

After the announcement of both sides all of the children had run off to register. Lydis was making her way down the platform when Bennox appeared at her side.

”Hello! Isn't it great that we could meet like this?” Bennox flashed his best smile possible, without stretching his face too much. Lydis glanced at Bennox and simply returned his words with a nod. Unfazed, Bennox continued to ramble on about how he and Owen had found the side passage, omitting the part where he followed after her and his weak moments.

As Bennox continued to bother Lydis he didn't notice the increasing number of kids surrounding them. Although they weren't dressed nicely what hit Bennox first was their smell. The intense odor of month-old sweat, mold and dirt made him gag a little. Finally noticing the group of kids around him Bennox's brows furrowed.

”Shoo, go away! Your smell is intolerable. Don't you understand my words?”

At the drop of a hat Bennox's attitude and tone had flipped from fun and playful to disgusted and angry.

”Lydis, the boss wants ta ask ya som'thin.”

A small boy, all bones and skin, cleared a path for Lydis. His scruffy hair and hallowed eyes resembling every other kid's at the moment.

”Why would Lydis ever go wi-?!”

Bennox was stopped short with a glance from Lydis. Turning her head forward to look at the small boy Lydis motioned with her head for him to continue.

”Let's go then. I need to speak with him as well.”

Bennox tried to come with but the other kids began to close the path. He pushed and tried to follow but the kids were clingy and there were too many. Finally having had enough, Bennox stormed the other way, indifferent to who he kicked nor how hard. Sensing that he had given up the kids surrounding Bennox dwindled and he easily made his way out.

Throwing them a spiteful look over his shoulder Bennox was met with a stare from them, all of their eyes stared back at him. Though unsettling, Bennox would never allow Lydis to mingle with the 'filth' that they called their 'boss'.

Bennox moved over to the rest of the Horoscopes and began to mingle with them.

Lydis watched this unfold out of the corner of her eye. The corners of her mouth curled slightly.

The small boy continued to lead Lydis through the slum kids. Occasionally she would encounter a patch of kids that didn't smell at all. Thinking back to Jedd, Lydis had to hold in her laugh at his futile attempts at removing their stench. A couple of bottles wouldn't do much against months and layers of grime.

Finally they reached the middle. Just like last time it was a big circle surrounding one person. Noticing that Lydis had arrived the boy in the middle looked up from something in his hands.

”Glad you could make it.”

*hmph* ”What did you need? Something important?”

”Oh no, not really. Just helping out of mutual interests.”

Lydis eyed Crill but eventually stopped. In reality he had helped her a bit, just a bit when the slum kids got rid of Bennox. Suddenly an idea popped into her mind.

”Look at this.”

Rolling up her sleeve Lydis revealed the lifelike coiling snake bracelet.

”Oh that's really well made. Looks like it could come alive at any moment. Let me see.”

Lydis extended her arm and let Crill examine the snake. Turning her wrist side to side and looking at it from below he seemed to have and answer yet looked confused at the same time. Pointing to the snake's eyes he tapped them once.

”I'm pretty sure these eyes are like a tracking device. The carving and wiring suggest backup circuitry inside of it so it's not hallow. Is it heavy? Can you take it off?”

Lydis tried to twist and wriggle her hand out but the bracelet stayed on.

”Looks like I can't. Every time I try to pull it the bracelet feels like it's getting smaller but when I release it goes back to normal. It's also reasonably light.”

”If it's like that then it should be pretty durable. For everyday wear and use it has to last. The material looks like BT-03. It's a type of metal easily produced in the larger cities for scabbards, machines, weapons, armor, pretty much anything.”

”And how do you know so much?” Lydis raised one eyebrow slightly.

Crill shrugged.

”When you live in the slums and want to sell things, know their value before so you don't get scammed. I've picked up a few things here and there.”

”Well, what makes you think it's a tracker?”

”This. Every now and then the eyes look different right? That's because they're shifting to follow a satellite up there.” The boy pointed upwards and Lydis followed his finger.

”Again, why do you know so much?”