Chapter 55 - Selection of the Horoscopes (1/2)

As soon as Javier left the area of the thumb scanner the other kids pressed their thumbs as well. One by one they received their marks. Slowly the number of kids around the scanner thinned. Soon everyone had a mark except Bennox, Owen and Bianca.

Owen had helped Bennox over from his cube and Bianca had already rested enough to stumble around on her own. Hatred seeped from Senri but she wouldn't do anything that might potentially get her expelled from the academy. Although Bianca was cautious of Javier making a move she willed herself to act strong like she has always done. No fear, no pain, no emotion. Breathing steadily Bianca walked towards Owen and Bennox.

”May I assist?”

Bennox and Owen were almost to the scanner but Owen's neck had a big bruise from Javier's foot while Bennox's face was still red from his deep scratches. Owen was at a loss but Bennox intervened in time.

”Sorry to disturb you Miss Bianca but we are fine, if anything your injuries seem worse, please don't mind us and continue with the selection process.”

Bianca wanted to help but the way Bennox had chosen his words was like a polite push away from them. Clenching her hand slightly Bianca smiled politely and did a little bow.

”Then I shall head on first.” Bianca turned away sharply and headed for the scanner. Pressing her thumb down on it so hard she felt the small needle's tip dig into her bones.

The system's robotic voice announced her results.

”Bianca, age of ten, Celestial mark, Cancer.”

Just like all the others before her a thin black trail traveled from her thumb to form a mark on her body. Having completed her scan Bianca walked to a nearby cube and began to examine her mark, her head tilted down just enough to cover her eyes.

When Owen and Bennox arrived at the scanner they weren't sure who would go first when abruptly a voice interrupted their thinking.

”There can only be twelve members why am I counting thirteen?” On the other side of the speaker the kids could hear muffled and hushed talking before the announcer spoke again. ”Well, it seems that there was a bit of a malfunction in the filtering to between the two of you, choose one person to proceed while the other exits back through the door.”

Surprised by their options Bennox started to weight their outcomes. Should he go? Owen was his friend but he knew that Owen would want Bennox to go and Bennox in turn wanted Owen to go. Bennox looked at Owen and saw that his trusted friend had already made up his mind. Without a pause Owen turned to Bennox and started to speak.

”Bennox you sh-?!”

Suddenly Bennox gave Owen a slight punch. Confused, Owen was about to ask why but Bennox was already a step ahead of him.

”Together. We do this together. Friends never desert each other, right?”

Filled with warmth Owen smiled dearly at Bennox. When he had already given up to let Bennox go his friend had already decided that neither would be left behind even with the possibility that their choice might not allow either of them to go.

With a nod to each other Bennox and Owen pressed half of their thumb side by side on the scanner. To their surprise the needle on the scanner became two, one in each person's thumb.

Once again the female voice spoke.

”Bennox, Owen, age of ten, Celestial mark, Gemini.” The black ink traveled up their arms and formed half of two serpent fishes. Owen's white with a black eye while Bennox's was reversed.

Smiling happily, both of them gave each other a small high five. Abruptly the scanner was sucked back into the ground and the screen appeared again. The same man was shown and this time his tone was a bit unusual.

”Children, move to the designated cubicles and change into your uniforms. It should only take you a minimum of five minuets, ten at most. Then we'll begin your practice for the orientation for commoners. That is all.” Just as it appeared the screen disappeared.

At first the children were a bit confused until walls rose up from the ground, each forming a small room in various places in the larger room. On the door of each was the name of their mark. Each child went to their respective rooms and began to change instantly. Bennox and Owen were headed to their room when Javier interrupted them.

”Woah woah, where do you think you're going? Didn't I mention that we weren't done mutt?” Javier's piercing gaze was still chilling but it had begun to look more normal, at least, normal compared to the crazed look in his eyes before.

Owen narrowed his eyes at Javier.

”Move, we don't want to delay the process any further.”

Suddenly Javier's right fist shot out at Owen. Unable to dodge Owen resigned to take the punch compared to droping Bennox's arm. Javier's fist collided with Bianca's palm. Her arm extended in front of Owen and Bennox, Bianca dug her fingers into Javier's fist and threw his arm to the side violently.

”Enough of this nonsense.”