Chapter 49 - Ceremony (6) (1/2)
The Breavux boy stormed towards Lydis.
”What's a crest? Why does she have one and not me?” His face was steaming. He had gotten the dragon's charm! The dragon's! A snake didn't seem as terrifying as a dragon, much less this girl in front of him. The girl on screen raised one finger.
”Hush. I was just getting there.” The boy huffed angrily and stomped away. Still unsatisfied. Lydis had to turn away to hide her laughter. The Breavux boy was treated like a child. With his back turned to Lydis her wouldn't be able to see her mocking smile as he walked away.
”Now then. This trial is only for the best of the best! We used this to filter out the elites from the riff raff, not saying that there might not be late bloomers but, you guys are what's currently the elites.” Seradina opened her mouth to ask a question but the girl on screen didn't stop. ”To determine this we had to sample your slyphir.” Hearing this some children looked at the hands they used to spin the wheel while others didn't do anything. The girl on screen nodded.
”Yes, the handle was meant to suck out the faint slyphir on you and find the most suitable animal for you. Fate brought you here so one of them must've fit it. The reason why was because we want to nurture the future leaders early on. You are the backbone of this class. For three consecutive years, the twelve earthly animals have remained incomplete but finally, they're unified once again.” She clapped her hands. ”These pamphlets describe the details of the training. Good job so far, I wish you the best of luck.” The screen died.
Next to Lydis a small pamphlet popped up from the floor. It flew upwards but then gravity took it down. She snatched it in mid air and made her way to a lone cube. On the inside were a few details regarding the twelve earthly animals.
They were a system devised by Central to cultivate a super soldier for each of the twelve divisions on the border. In each division was one squad made up of the super soldiers. They were the elite force used on dangerous missions and defending against monster. It was a long-term program that happened in every school, starting in the first class. From there those twelve would grow and train under specialists and former super soldier of the same animal. At anytime one of the twelve can be dueled by an outsider and if they lost, their place would be given to the victor.
Lydis flipped to the back.
At the school ceremony at zero eight hundred they would be announced along with the other group. No fighting between these two groups are allowed as they are the both the backbone of the military. Unity is essential for a strong army. Lydis lowered the pamphlet a little. What other group? She flipped through again but saw nothing else about another group. Sighing, Lydis stuffed the pamphlet into her pocket.
Delara took this chance to hop over to Lydis.
”Lydis! You're so amazing! What is a crest? What's a charm? Did you find anything?” Lydis tried to push Delara away but Delara avoided Lydis's futile attempts.
”What do you want now?” Lydis was in no mood to cater to this, child.
”I don't know. Maybe we could share our thoughts together? Theories? Oh! Maybe you're 'special'.” The way Delara said 'special' ticked Lydis off. She'd had enough of interacting with noisy and clingy kids for one day. She didn't want to put up the act anymore. Lydis Grabbed Delara's shoulder and turned her around.
”This is my only warning. F**k off.” Lydis pushed Delara forward slightly. Delara didn't hesitate to turn around with her cheery face as she reached towards Lydis. In her mind Lydis was just a bit unusual and just needed some time to warm up to. What she didn't expect was that Lydis was brutal and very, very serious. Delara was half turned around when Lydis's fist collided with her cheek. Her head was forcibly snapped to the other side. Delara was pushed back by Lydis's punch. She fell to the floor, her head landing hard on the metal floor.
The others came over to observe this new form of distraction. Lydis turned around and continued to walk towards a cube. Delara laid sprawled on the floor. She had blacked out for a moment before shifting slightly.
”Delara! Are you oaky?” Seradina rushed over, her cotton candy hair puffing out in all directions. She shook Delara and flipped her over. ”Ah!” Seradina backed away in surprise. Delara's face was already swelling. A dark purple bruise was forming in the shape of Lydis's fist. Her nose was crooked, blood streaming from it. From her mouth drool mixed with blood spilled over her mouth into the floor. Seradina saw something white gleaming in the small pool she had flipped Delara from. Looking closer it was a tooth!
Delara opened her mouth in a groan. Her head felt like a car had run it over twice. She reached up to touch her face and flinched when the tips of her fingers brushed against it. She sucked in a sharp breath of air and tried hard not to cry. Seradina was panicking. There was so much blood, Delara was hurt! Blood, and teeth!
Seradina covered her eyes with one hand and extended the other to Delara.
”D-do you need some help?” Her hand shook a little as she tried not to smell sickening blood. Delara turned her head slowly to look at Seradina. Her left cheek was beginning to swell. Delara took Seradina's hand and pulled hard. Seradina pulled at the same time and Delara shot upwards. Seradina lent Delara her shoulder to lean on.
”…th…. nk… uo…” Delara barely mumbled the words. Seradina smiled shyly.
”Your welcome.” They limped away towards a cube for Delara to rest on.
Lydis watched all this with indifference. Served Delara right for trying to be so friendly with her. It was those kind of people that Nova had warned her about. The ones who talked too much, always asking questions, and clingy. He had said that once they stick to you, they'll never let go.