Chapter 43 - Hours Before School (1/2)
Blaring loudly Ui beeped rapidly next to Lydis's ear. In a groggy haze she was about to smash Ui but before her fist connected Lydis stopped and tapped Ui's head gently.
”Good morning Ui…” Lydis rolled over and swept her legs over the ledge. Valfafer wiggled and stretched his back legs. Ui beeped twice in confirmation.
”Good morning Master Lydis. It is currently zero four hundred.” Lydis struggled to open her eyes, the faint morning sun threw a greyish hue over the room. Valfafer walked over and rested his head on Lydis's legs. She looked down and patted his head. Sleep tried to pull her back to bed but Ui stabbed Lydis's other leg with a small needle.
”Ow!” Lydis jumped and moved away from the bed, rubbing her right thigh. ”Ui, what was that for?”
”Master Lydis seemed to still be asleep. Based on previous actions and outcomes I concluded that a little pain was needed to wake you up. It is currently zero four hundred zero two.” Lydis sighed and stretched as she stood.
”Alright, I'm awake now Ui.” Ui beeped twice.
”Confirmed.” Ui flew over to the curtains and pulled them open, the grey light turned a clear yellow. It rested on the window sill and popped out a solar powered recharger. Ui concentrated on fixing the angle to the sun's trajectory while Lydis shuffled to her bag. Someone knocked on the door.
Valfafer perked his head up and zoomed towards the door. Lydis stopped moving and started to become wary. Her senses heightened, sleep fading from her instantly.
”Yes?” No answer. Lydis reached her bag and pulled out Kyle's knife. In her other hand were the small blades, one between each finger, ready to be thrown. Valfafer growled slightly. With soft steps Lydis made her way to the door, careful to not make any noise. One hand against the handle Lydis turned it slowly. She bent low behind it and opened the door swiftly, her knife in position to attack or defend. In the hall there was no one. Before going out herself she nodded for Valfafer to go out. If anyone wanted to attack her they wouldn't expect Valfafer to walk out alone.
Valfafer gladly took the role as bait and walked out as calmly as he could. He looked to the left then right, up then down the walls. There didn't seem to be anything unusual except for a pile of neatly folded clothes next to the door.
”Master, there isn't anyone here.” Lydis didn't ease up. Still ready for a sneak attack she quickly poked her head out of the door and snatched the clothes bundle. Valfafer jumped back into the room, the door closing soundlessly behind him.
Lydis looked at the bundle of clothes. They were the academy's uniform. The two pairs given to her by Hal. A pale letter was tucked into the folds of the clothes. Lydis plucked it out and opened the letter.
”Hello Lydis, can I call you by your first name? Wait, that's not what I wanted to say. This is a little weird and I understand if you think it is but I just wanted to give you back your uniforms. I forgot to give them to you when you left yesterday. I tried to give them to you last night but I guess you were sleeping. I didn't do anything weird to them either! I have three older sisters who worked me to the bone doing house chores so I tried my best to fold them without looking. I guess that's all I wanted to say? From, Owen.”
Lydis closed the letter and eyed her uniforms. They were folded so crisply. Owen's letter didn't seem to have any bad intentions, she could see that from the way his penmanship wasn't hesitant. His words also didn't hide things.