Chapter 20 - New Dawn (2/2)

”Never call me that when others are around.” Although she looked mad a soft glow of reminiscence passed through her eyes as she looked at Lydis lovingly. ”Once again, I'm glad you're safe miss Lydis.”

*nn* Lydis had already gone back to eating the delicious wrap but Valeri was already thinking about a backstory, evidence and some sort of plan to get Lydis into the military without any problems. Valeri stood up and left the tent, leaving Lydis to raid their food rations. Minuets passed and Valeri returned with a stern looking woman. Despite her strong features she didn't look much older than in her early twenties.

”Lydis, this is Blair. She has been my right hand for many years. Although people say she's a genius and prodigy and that she shouldn't be here in my scouting squad she is very loyal. Though I still don't know why she's stubbornly stuck by me all these years.” Valeri huffed and placed her hands on her hips. ”You won't believe how many complaints I keep getting about how I'm forcing her to be here and not allowing her to leave! By all means she can if she wanted to.” Although Lydis knew that it was just a little act and joke Blair seemed to take it seriously.

”I-I apologize for the inconvenience! I'll go resign myself right now and never appear before you again!” Her stiff face softened a bit, looking a bit hurt before sharply turning around.

”W-wait Blair! I was just kidding. No need to act so rash.” Valeri went over to comfort her.

”So I'm not a bother?”

”You're not.”

”Can I keep staying here?”


”Are you really not annoyed by my presence?”


”What if I caused a problem, will you still keep me?”


”Can I follow you forever?”

”Ye-wait what?”

”Nothing ma'am! What did you need to tell me?” Valeri sighed and turned around to face Lydis's mocking face, her eyes seemingly saying, 'wow, and you're supposed to be the captain'. Valeri ignored Lydis's gaze and sat down next to Lydis.

”Blair, this is Lydis.”

”Yes. The child you brought back from the train wreck.”

”I need you to teach her so when she enrolls at the military academies, she'll be ready.”

”I don't quite understand. Why would you have me teach her and not Rein or Pali? They're experts on training children. It used to be their job for a while.”

”I know but she's… special. Special like you. I feel that you're the only one who can teach her properly.” Blair seemed hesitant but Valeri tried to push one more time.

”You're the only one I can trust to do a good job. The only, one.” Hearing how much Valeri needed her Blair blushed a little and stiffened her back and saluted to Valeri.

”Yes ma'am!” Looks like hearing Valeri need and praise her seemed to convince her. Blair happily walked out of the tent. ”I'll be preparing her training grounds. In an hour or so we'll begin training.” And like that Blair was gone. The moment she left, Valeri sighed and slumped her shoulders.

”That child is too earnest and mischievous at the same time.”

”What I don't get is why she's so attached to you.”

”That, I'm not to sure of myself.” Valeri sighed again and picked up one of the many silver bundles Lydis had taken out and had laid on top of the crate. She opened it and took a bite, unsure of the future that had drastically changed with the appearance of Lydis.