Chapter 5 - Transfer (1/2)
Katos stood in front of the room watching Reina. Patiently waiting for her answer. Reina's face changed as she thought of something but she turned to Katos,
”Well… what kind of wish can you grant?”
”Hmm… anything so long as you are capable of withstanding it.” He looked at Reina and shrugged.
”What do you mean?”
”Well, let's say if you wanted to be immortal. To be immortal your body needs to be strong enough to withstand the blessing or curse, whatever you want to call it. However you get it, if you're not strong enough then you'll be immortal for maybe five days, meaning nothing can kill you in those five days but, when it's over then you'll go boom.” He made an explosion motion with his hands and added the 'pwoosh' for sound effects. Reina went back into thinking mode.
A few minuets passed in silence. Katos took out a black disc and twirled it on his fingers, playing with it as he waited for Reina to speak again. Noticing this Reina's eyes flicked to the object in Katos's hand but she quickly went back to thinking. As he twirled the disc he let it fly at Reina at a frightening speed. Ripping through the air the disc was a black blur. Without looking Reina's hand moved to her scissors and as she pulled them open her arm flicked and the black disc fell to the floor. The disc had been cut into neat squares. As they fell, losing their momentum, the black squares dissipated into the air. Reina glared at Katos.
”What? I'm bored. Usually people would already have an idea beforehand.” Katos brought out more black discs and began to flip and twirl them too. Laying on his back with one foot propped up he continued to create black discs. Sighing Reina went back to thinking.
Bored again Katos threw the discs around the room, creating more and adding them to the tornado with hundreds of black discs. In the middle of the tornado Reina was still thinking about a wish.
Suddenly four discs flew from the tornado and attacked Reina. Dodging them smoothly Reina paid them no attention. As the first four went back into the tornado eight blades came from all sides. Still not paying the discs attention she swiftly knocked them out of the air with her hand, her other hand was rubbing her template, her brows furrowed together. Katos was no longer bored now. He sat upright and continued to maneuver each blade as he did feints, low hits, high hits, and multiple discs in a row. Each time a wave attacked their numbers would double than what attacked in the last wave. Soon Reina was dodging and parrying over a hundred black discs at a time, still lost in thought.
Katos was having a lot of fun has he tried different things to try to catch Reina off guard, but nothing worked. Reina who was in deep thought finally had an idea. When she raised her face she used her scissors to cut each black disc into a thousand pieces in a second and walked towards Katos.
”I've thought about it and I've found my wish.”
”Finally! I thought I would have to wait here for an eternity before you decided on something. So? What will it be, unlimited money, fame, unparalleled strength, or true love?” Katos added the last one as a joke but Reina scoffed at it.