Chapter 1 - Reinia Strauss (2/2)

She said as she swiftly walked by the three of them, pulling along her lone bag of luggage. As she passed she glanced at the twins and became disgusted at how they had a similar resemblance to her when she was a kid. She hated her father and she resented the three people behind her as well. She hated how he had already remarried and had kids with another woman living out his life happily as she and her mom struggled to get by with only her mom and her. She hated herself for being a bit envious of the twins, how they would grow up with both parents, a sibling, and a life full of things she had always wanted. But, what she hated most was the fact that she wanted to be happy there.

With a scowl on her face she entered the two-story house. Behind her the four of them walked together, the children clinging to each of their father's hands and the mother beside them chuckling softly as the kids fought over who he liked more and who missed him the most. Silently she waited for them and when she was directed to her room she never left it for the rest of the day. At night the mother called Reina to eat but she didn't say anything, worried, she left a tray of food outside the door hoping that at least Reina would eat a little bit of it.

High school would start soon. It has already been a week since she moved there but except for responses like ”yes” or ”no” Reina had not talked to anyone. Secluded in her room all day and night, barely eating, and barely speaking. Reina had locked herself in her own little world.

It was the first day of high school. Reina woke up earlier than anyone else and in the short time when the house was silent she rummaged for something to eat. She saw a bento with her name on it but didn't take it, she didn't need her pity. Finally, after eating soy sauce over rice she left just as her father's alarm clock went off. The whole time she had been in her room she had studied the bus routes and the timings.

She arrived at the bus station an hour early. With the cold air blowing past her from other trains her nose became bright red and her ears were tinged pink. To past the time she blew air out into the cold and watched as the cold air made her breath visible. An hour passed doing nothing but this.

When the bus had arrived multiple other kids wearing the same uniform had appeared on the platform as well. As she had came extremely early she got the best picks and chose a spot not to close to the door to avoid all the cold air but, not too far into the middle so as not to be crushed. Her thirty-minuet train ride went by without any noticeable events.

As she arrived at school she followed others example and did as they did, copying them so as not to make any mistakes like wearing outside shoes inside. She had written down her room number and asked around to find the correct room. In the classroom she stood in the corner overlooking the scenery from the third floor. The bell rang to tell students that class was about to start. Expecting the teacher to arrive at any moment Reina stood ready but nothing happened. The bell ended and still nothing happened. The students around her began talking amongst themselves, whispering and giggling, they didn't seem worried.

Strange, Reina thought to herself. A few more minuets passed and nothing had changed. Ten minuets passed and students began to whisper and gossip about what could've happened. Thirty minuets passed and then panic broke. Students were taking out their cellphones and trying to call people, trying to text others about this weird situation but, nothing worked. No one had a signal. They were getting scared. Others tried to open the door but nothing budged. People threw chairs and desks at the window and nothing happened, it just bounced off like the window had become a trampoline. A hour passed and students were getting chaotic. People suggested starting a fire or going into the roof of the room but nothing worked. Finally, after an hour and a half after the bell sounded to start class another bell sounded, except this one was low toned and rang continuously. The whole class fell silent as the bell rang louder and louder until people covered their ears to keep the sound out.

Shortly after the bell rang it ended, then the room went dark. People screamed, high pitched and low pitched, fear resounding in their voices.

”Welcome, ignorant sheep” A deep voice said. It seemed to come from everywhere, close but yet so far away at the same time. A dark red flame appeared in the middle of the dark room and the owner of the voice could be seen. It was a tall man with a flowing red cape wrapped all around him, his golden eyes which seemed to captivate everyone in the room, and his dark hair which was like a part of an abyss, an ever-flowing pitch black.

”Who are you?!” Yelled one of the male students nearest to the man. Without so much as a glance he snapped his fingers and the young man's head exploded. Chunks of brain matter and his eyes flew everywhere. It landed on people closest to him and the roof. One small chunk fell on Reina's face but she didn't react. High pitched screams soon filled the room as people realized what had happened. Crying and screaming people rushed to wipe off bits of his brain. A few people turned around and barfed, hurling until nothing was leftover and even then they still gaged, trying to barf up anything. The headless body fell to it's knees and toppled over on it's side letting out a pool of warm blood.

”Now, who else wants to interrupt me?” The man said with a evil smile.