261 Warm Welcome (1/2)

-Life Guild-

I finally logged in back again and I can tell that everyone really did a good job rebuilding and reinforcing the guild. Walls are higher, buildings are made of more sturdy looking blocks of rocks and everyone wears better gears. They probably trained well while I was gone. Unfortunately, I'm leaving again soon because I have something to do.

”Scy?!! Everyone, Scy is back!” Then here they come. Every single one of them showed up after Elou announced that. He even saw me from our watch tower... his eyesight and senses are way too good that you can't hide from him.

Everyone welcomed me back and I can see that everyone is happy seeing me again. It's good to be back but still... all those things that Azzie told me still bothers me.

”Hey, guys, I'm sorry, I was gone for quite a long time. I had some issues to deal with. So, I can see that we have some new faces around here.” I said after seeing that we have Osia and Chara here.

”Why did you say that like we're strangers! Hmp!” Chara made a pouty face but eventually smiled after everyone laughed. Chara joined our guild after she decided to leave Jay's guild. Also, she's pretty close with Osia so they're usually together now.

”So, any news lately or something I should be worried about?”

”So far, everyone is doing great with their training and hunting. Other guilds are also quiet for a long time now. Our team managed to explore some areas of the Rocky Mountains but traveling further is way too dangerous. High-level monsters are roaming around and some of them got wiped out from an ambush. But other than that, we haven't encountered any other casualties.” Elou reported to me.

”You forgot to tell him about your date with Panthie,” Akko mentioned.

”Wait, you did?! You dog! Haha.” I said and hit him on the back.

”Aww... well... it was fun...” Why does he sound like he didn't really have fun?

”Well if getting killed was part of your date and saying it's fun, then you did great.” Akko interrupted him. So I guess he thought it was a date.

”At least you had a good private time with her,” I added.

”Yeah, yeah. So, what about you? Everything ok?” He asked and I can tell that they really want to know if I'm really back for good.

”Yes. I'll talk to you guys later about something, for now, let me roam around and help others for a bit.” And so we talked for a moment and everyone showed me new spots in our guild.

-Life Guild Hall-

Everyone gave me something as a welcoming gift. Some gave me new armors and weapons, even free drinks from the inn. Even Emily cooked the best dish for me. It was a fun and rewarding afternoon. I guess I have to disappear much often to get more free stuff. Petula should stop brewing some potions and other things because it makes her shop stink. Leion told me his adventures with his team and how they messed up a lot. Zia and her team traveled to many places and they've enjoyed it. Elle and Petula's team aren't that organized, though, maybe because Elle can't really decide on what to do while Petula's busy with her stuff and so their group just made a small party for doing hunting and explorations.

After that, I've decided to talk to the leaders about my future plan that needs to be done soon. While I was in a coma for three years, my parents are in some kind of prison and only God knows what happened to them for that long time.

I'm here now with Elou, Akko, and Lili inside the guild hall as I don't want to burden the others with what I'm about to do.

”To be honest Scy, you really need to explain to us what happened. You've been gone for a long time and we were worried that you might never play again. We were even planning to visit you in real life but we don't want to be intrusive with your privacy. Please tell us what bothers you. We're your friends, right?” Elou started the conversion showing how upset and worried he is at the same time.

”We were really worried, Scy,” Akko's feeling the same while Lili just showed her dismayed face... as usual.

”I'm sorry. I don't really know what happened to me these past few days. I told you guys that my sister is grieving for the old man and I needed to be with her but... to be honest, I'm feeling guilty for the old man's death. I know that it's not my fault or anyone's fault but in reality... it's somehow my fault.” I don't want them to worry but I need them right now. I can't handle all this pressure alone but it might also make their lives in danger... I don't know what to do anymore.

”Maybe you're just overthinking this, Scy. It's not your fault. This is just a game and what happened in real life doesn't really concern us. What happened to him is something we can't control.” Elou... No, he died because he believed my parent's insane ideas and because he was trying to protect me from someone or some people I don't even know.

”I know that but I don't know... I'm also having these surreal nightmares that it haunts me whenever I sleep,”

”Can you tell us about it? We might not be able to help you but telling others might calm your mind and your feelings. I'm sure that you'll get through this.” Akko said trying to cheer me up. I wish I could tell you my dream but I can't... with you there.