248 Black Ice Dragon (1/2)

Well, this is bad. Our reinforcement is taking so long. Lili, Elou, where are you guys...

”CHERUFE'S BLAZING WHIRLFLAME!” Oh, sh*t! She created a giant whirlwind made of flames and it caught me from below! The current of her flame whirlwind made me lose my balance and sense of direction while burning me alive!

Thanks to my fire resistance, it will take a while before she can kill me with flames but I can't get away! The current is so strong that fire booster won't help me to get away!

”TITAN'S GIANT FIERY FIST!” I have no choice but to use a spell to stop hers! I created a powerful large-scale spell and targeted below and upon releasing it,

*BOOOOOOM!* The whirlwind stopped after a massive explosion destroyed it! I was knocked back towards the sky by the shockwave it created.

Now it's my turn! I'm dropping now from above and used fire booster to boost my falling speed. I will give it all this time! Never underestimate the power of the reaper!

”REAPER'S WRATH!” I concentrated all of my mana I've saved and I should not miss or fail! If I do so, then I'm going to lose. Shade, don't you dare fail me this time or I will hunt you down again!

It looks like Warden realized my plan and instead of chasing Osia, he decided to protect Azzie. Running away from my attack is not an option because the area of effect is wide enough and they won't have time to get away.

”FOCUS YOUR BARRIERS!” Warden ordered the supports nearby.

”UNITY LIGHT BARRIER!” They created a barrier covering all of them in a wide sphere of light. They know that I will use a dark spell so they are going to use light to make it less effective. This is bad, even if I can break the barrier, it will dramatically reduce the overall power of my spell and that means Warden can easily stop my attack.

Warden is also preparing to use his best defensive move and Azzie will try to counter my attack. Well, if I fight any longer, I won't stand a chance anyway so this is my last shot!

”REAPER'S SCYTHE OF THE BEHEADER!” I created a scythe made of darkness that can penetrate armors but weak against magic shields. Well, I don't care, I don't have a choice but to give it all that's left in me!

”GLACIAL SEA SERPENT'S SECOND FORM! SEA SERPENT'S DIVE!” Below me, Osia summoned her ice dragon again but it's bigger this time! Is she going to break the light unity barrier for my attack to succeed?! I stopped my spell as I can't find a good chance to launch my attack.

*BOOOOOOOOM!* The barriers shattered as her ice dragon's head hit them! The amount of power she used is so strong that it's unstoppable! Now, it's falling towards Warden and Azzie!

”CHERUFE'S SECOND FORM! BLAZING LAVA ERUPTION! I won't let you!” Azzie's planning to stop the giant ice dragon from above with a powerful flame spell from below! Even I can't stop that kind of thing!

*BOOOOOOOOOM!* Once again, a huge explosion happened after Azzie's flames hit the giant ice dragon, it made huge steam all over the place and I can't see anything! But in just an instant, the steam was swept away by a huge force! The ice dragon is still there! It's not as big and solid as before but it's still there!

”PROTECTOR'S GRAND SHIELD OF GUARDIAN!” Woah! Out of nowhere, Warden created a huge shield of light! But can he really stop Osia's ice dragon?! Wait... I've got a better Idea!

”Osia, let me use your ice dragon!” I shouted as I'm still far from her.

”Use what?! But ok, use it as you want! I can't do anything anymore!” She replied trying to shout as well. She's already on the ground... she can't stand anymore because of mana exhaustion.

”DARKNESS AND ICE UNITY! BLACK ICE DRAGON!” For some reason, her ice dragon doesn't have legs or wings so I thought it was just a part of a dragon, then I realized, it was a serpent... No wonder she always shouts serpent... But we can modify that. The mana that I was supposed to use earlier, I focused it all to buff the ice dragon and creating limbs and wings to it! Now it really looks like an ice dragon! I almost blacked out after using all my mana!

*ZWOOOOOSH!* It is falling faster now because of the wings! Go, crush them!