243 Settling the Score (1/2)
*BOOOOOM!* Not far from here, Aurora is fighting the best ones in our guild, I guess I should say ”My old guild”. They're not giving her the chance to do or make an attack because they know how devastating her moves are.
”SILVER LININGS! BLIGHT OF LIGHT!” Jay's changing his move! This is bad but I'm prepared now unlike before!
”ZOFIA'S BLADE SPROUT OF IMPALER!” I touched the ground from below trying to plant my mana inside and like I expected, Jay showed up above me with the brightest light enough to blind even the Gods. But I'm not a God and just a player trying to be with the right side and not blindly following the Light!
*BAAAAM BABABAAAM!* Hundreds of blades came out from the ground and hit him, piercing all over his body. He tried to attack his way through me but his will wasn't as strong as mine.
”Ugh... Just like I thought. I'm not powerful enough to protect what I created and now... I'm weak and powerless. Be strong, Chara. This is just the start of the real battle...” After that... he stopped breathing... I never imagine me, killing my leader... we've been together in the same guild for a long time... and it all ended here...
Then... it dawned me that Jay is a smart guy and not a dumb one to think like this. His reason might be really heavy that he sacrificed all of this. I started to feel doubt and uneasiness. I wish that everything will be fine. This is just a game... this is just a game...
I'm tired, my last move consumed almost all my mana. It will take some time to regain mana that much because most of my gears are focused on defensive and mobility-related effects. I should stop worrying and see what is happening right now with Aurora and others.
”Chara, you idiot! You should have trusted him. He's not doing this to benefit himself but it's for the guild. You made the wrong decision, believe me, Chara.” Rafrov... as the smartest guy I know, why do this. Did I really make the wrong decision?
”Don't worry, Chara. Sooner or later, everyone will know the truth but for now, trust your heart and just stay strong. Just wait for a bit while I teach these guys a lesson.” Aurora said... How can she be so confident trying to fight four people with all their monster souls activated already!
*CLANG!* Arvin is using his monster soul. I haven't seen it yet and I didn't have the chance to know what it is but his armor is still the same but his weapons are daggers made of bones.
”How dare you underestimate us! I will make you say that again while you're bleeding to death! RAAAAAWR!” Arvin, your anger issues won't help you win, idiot. Aurora's so calm that it feels like she's really controlling the situation.
”SWOOOOSH!* Aurora tried to attack him but she missed so easily. Arvin's evasion is on a different level than others. I can tell.
”You missed, b*t... ugh...” He didn't see what happened but after evading her attack, somehow, he was hit again from nowhere! It's like her last attack happened twice in a row!
”CHRONOS SONIC SLASH!” She tried to attack Arvin using a long-range skill while Arvin is defenseless from being hit by her last attack!
”DRAUGR! STOP HER ATTACK!” Raf's summon showed up in front of Arvin to protect him!
*BAAAAAAM!* The Draugr was able to stop it but it almost cut in half! Its body is not tough but it can recreate itself easily.
*BAAAAAAM!* Another one?! But Aurora didn't use her attack anymore! The Draugr was cut in half and the long-range wave attack from Aurora hit Arvin! The attack was powerful enough to push him back and hit the wall! His body is severely injured by that attack. If no one can heal him in time, then I'm sure he'll bleed to death.
”I don't underestimate my opponents. I just know that I will win no matter what. They call me the Strongest Player of New Life Online because I'm the best of what I do. Now, try counting because if you skip even for a second, you'll realize that you've already died. CHRONOS' ACCELERATE!” Aurora's abilities are not on my level. She moves so fast!
”EARTH GOLEM'S GOD AURA!” Celeste's golem released a tremendous aura that I can't tell what it can do. Suddenly, it moved so fast to attack Aurora on its path!
*BAAAAAAM!* The Golem made a powerful two-hand punch in front of it targeting Aurora! A massive blast happened and the path of the explosion was devastated! All the things the shockwave hit crumbled to pieces!
*SWOOOOSH!* But from that place covered in dust and debris, Aurora came out from above unscathed!