232 Team Scy and Elou with Chara (1/2)
-Order of Light, Near East Gate-
”Sir! There's a flying creature over there!” One of the guards pointed at me. I can see Deandre from below. I'm descending now and I need to slow down my falling speed or I'll die. That Two Teeth really threw me hard.
Half of the Life Guild, being led by both Leion and Zia, are fighting with Deandre's army. They are being outnumbered but it seems that their defense and offense are keeping up with their foes. I looked closely and I can tell that I'm going to fall in the middle of the opposing team.
Some arrows and spells flew towards me but my falling speed is incredibly fast that their projectiles won't even have the chance to hit me. It looks like I'm gonna be wasting another two power stones.
”You idiots! Aim properly!” Deandre ordered. They fired at me again, this time their accuracy improved a lot because I'm almost there. I'm going to hit the ground soon. I used my power stone's explosions to change direction.
Now... it's time!
I used two of my power stones in one go again and I pointed it to the ground before falling. I was able to defeat some of them and destroy their formation and fortunately, the explosion blasted me to Zia's location. I fell and rolled to the ground which hurt a lot.
”Are you ok, Chara? That was an awesome explosion by the way.” Zia said while trying to defend from the attacks of nearby foes.
”I'm ok somehow and thanks. You're doing great too.” I replied and stood up to help.
She helped me up and now we're behind the guy with a giant shield with thorns (Pie) while the book-throwing girl (Uri) is doing her best to make a barrier for us and I can tell that she won't last that long.
”Too bad, I can't use my full ability because my friend is currently sleeping. SWORD DANCE!” She replied while continued fighting. With the numbers of bodies nearby. It seems like they are pushing the enemies back but it takes a lot of their time and effort. And what does she meant by ”her friend is sleeping”?
Enemies keep on coming but Zia's team only killed few. With our numbers, we can't deal a huge amount of damage to break the barrier or inflict severe deadly blows.
”Leader, we need to do change our tactics. Defending and slowly pushing them back won't give us better chances of winning. We're going to run out mana and stamina soon.” (Pie)
”Do you have any suggestions?” She asked.
”Thanks to Miss Chara's spell earlier, she was able to kill a lot of them and break their formation, that's why we were able to push them back but it's not enough.” Just like earlier with Scy and Two Teeth, the army we are fighting are well organized and were trained for this kind of situations.
”We have to break the barrier and kill the supports or we won't be able to defeat the guards,” It looks like this guy is their strategist (Pie) while trying to fend off attackers.
I don't think we have the numbers to do that. Even if we get near the supports, there are like a hundred of them so they can just heal each other if we can't land killing blows.
”Yeah, I also thought of that but this is too much for us. Leion's party isn't doing well either.” She's right. Leion's group is not in a good shape.
”Leader, I can't defend any longer!” He's (Pie) been defending them since they got teleported here. Finally, he lost his monster form and got knocked back. Even their support is not doing well either because she's using barrier and healing them at the same time alone. (Uri)
Now it's time for me to show them why they called me the Impregnable Wall!
”CHARGE!” Deandre ordered and so warriors and defenders charged to us!
I stepped in front and readied myself.
”HEIGHTENED SENSES!” It greatly improved my alertness and greatly increased my critical rate. It also enhances my movement speed giving me a higher chance of evasion. Good thing I worked on my hunter skills.
”Chara! What are you doing there! Get back here!” Zia is pretty worried. I don't know if they have plans of some sort but I have to do something.
Five warriors jumped up ahead to attack me but that will never work on me.
”Ack!” The first one landed but missed after I just stepped aside and pierced his neck from the side in a flash. Even with good armor, there's always an unprotected spot.
Two of them reached me and one of them tried to slash me from the side but...