217 Draugr and Golem (1/2)

Scy decided to come with me to meet my guildmates. We travel above the mountains near the west side of the Dragoons City. We reached them without any trouble but it seems that there's a conflict on-going already.

-South East Grassland, Near the Army of Order of Light-

”We have to charge at them now, Sir. These guys don't deserve to be even here in our territory.” Zeth, with their losses earlier, is not really showing any welcoming reactions upon meeting Jay again.

”Don't lose your cool Zeth. I know that you really want to avenge your people but we need to think wisely.” The old man replied.

”They died helplessly because I ordered them to. I need to do this for the sake of my people and because I am their leader!” This situation is really not what I expected. Zeth is showing more aggressiveness than he used to be.

”And I am your leader! So stay there and wait. Let's clear our heads.” The old man is the only one thinking clearly.

”I don't think it's a good idea for you to clear your head any more than it has been already. Up until now, you made the wrong decisions and led us to this pointless war.” Scythus suddenly interrupted.

”You're one of the reasons why people think that our guild is not as strong as it used to be. You're even here making our life difficult. All we want to do is to get back what was lost.”

”And get stolen again? I don't think that you understand what is going on here.” Scy is pretty good with his words.

”Don't twist your words and just tell me what you are thinking, not that we are going to believe it but it's better if we get your idea.” The old man is curious. I don't think he's related to the Soul stone issue.

”You told us earlier about the raids that happened before the disappearance of the Soulstone right? That time, my guild was freeing the slaves of the Ravens but the leader wasn't there. The Other Side guild was going back to their guild that time and that's the best time to frame them up. You really need to talk with the Raven's Leader about this. We all know what happened with the Frozen King's invasion regarding their guild, right?” Very well detailed, Scy.

”Trying to clean your hands huh! What a bunch of suckers!” Deandre is pissed...

”Shut the hell up or I'm going to mess you up!” Jay said with intimidation.

”Stop it, Deandre. You're not helping.” Azzie seems to be not that much rooting for the war.

”Siren can't possibly steal it because she's with us that time. I summoned her and we talked about what happened in the invasion, about why did she choose the Frozen King's side. We kind of sorted it out by her agreeing to pay for what she's done. She promised to help to rebuild the city and pay a large amount of fine. There's no way she can steal it. We have spied on her the whole time.” What? Then if that's true, then we can't really tell who's at fault here.

”Tsk... Jeez... So what now? Are you going to continue the war? You know there's no benefit for winning against us, right?” Scy's trying to use reasoning huh...

”Let us investigate inside both of your guilds. If we can't find anything then I guess that's just it.” The old man proposed...

”I don't think that's a good idea. It's not because we did something bad but we just don't want you guys willy nilly going around our guild.” Jay answered.

”Seriously, Jay? Jeez, I'm here to fix things and you, here, doesn't want to help...” Scy is a little bit frustrated but I know he knew that this is going to happen.

”Then even if you like it or not, we will take your city by force.” Maximus' shows absolute order.

”We're not just waiting in our guild doing nothing. We are all preparing for times like this. Fortunately, we can have wars whenever we want. LET'S SHOW THEM THE POWER OF THE OTHER SIDE GUILD!” Jay... sometimes you're just mad...

”ORDER OF LIGHT! LET THERE BE LIGHT!” Maximus ordered...

The light started to shine from their army! It pierces my eyes! Scy's darkness disappeared like it was never been in the Dragoons City. Their equipment started to shine, boosting their ability to fight. Not bad from the guild with the best supports.

”ORDER OF LIGHT! CHARGE!” Oh, God... It's starting...

Order of Light army is charging towards us but the other guilds are charging to the Dragoons City. Storm Seekers are mostly spellcasters and just storming the city from afar. Assassins from both Ravens and Serpentes are using their sneaking ability to get near the city while the Hearth Fire's army is taking the hit from afar.

The city will fall soon and we need a miracle to save them.

*SWOOOOOOOOOOSH! SWOOOOOOOSH!* A Large amount of different kinds of spells is already flying towards our direction. Those fire spells, on the other hand, are on a different level. I bet they're from Azzie, the best spell caster of Order of Light.