199 Defender, Archer, Spell Caster I (1/2)

-Ebonywood Mansion, Great Hall-

*Scy's POV*

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Elou saw me from a distance. Out of panic, I hid behind one of the walls nearby. I have to divert their attention or I'm screwed!

Then I found some switches nearby where I hid. I switched them off because I'm really desperate to get away. The lights went out as people started to find me.

”What the? Someone switched off the light. Can someone do something?” Petula ordered and I heard a couple of footsteps going in my direction. It's really dark but it seems my eyes are getting used to the darkness and I can see a bit now.

I tried to move away as fast as I can. I thought I could get away without a problem but...

Ack! I bumped into something or someone! I fell to the floor as I lost my balance and then that something or someone also fell on top of me! What anime crap is this?!I can tell that she's a girl because of her perfume too!

”I'm sorry. Are you ok?” I asked as I help her up.

”Yes. You sound familiar. Are you Scythus for some reason?” Oh, crap! How did she know it's me?!

”Oh, no. I'm startled so my current voice is not my real voice.” What a dumb excuse!

”Really? You really sound like him.” I tried my best to see who she is and it looks like she's Petula's sister. I really should leave now.

”I hope you're ok. I really need to the bathroom now so I'll see you later. Take care.” I walked away. She seems to be having trouble standing up. I hope I didn't bump into her that bad.

After a couple of seconds, they were able to switch on the light. I was able to get away in time and I can tell that Elou and the others are looking for me. I'll kill you for this Elou. I trained myself to be hidden from the sights of people. No one can easily detect my...

”Yow Scy. Are you hiding or something?” Holy crap! That surprised me!

”Please don't sneak up on me! And I'm not hiding. I am just looking for something.” It's Aurora... She just showed up out of nowhere.

”Well, it looks like you're hiding your identity from your sister, who is one of the officers of the Order of Light Guild. How did I know? Well, I know everything.” Where on earth do you get that information?

”That's right and if she'd know that I'm Scy then I don't think this will end smoothly on my part. Anyway, where are the others?”

”Mari and Azzie are already eating buffet over there and I can tell that they are trying to hide their monstrous appetite.” Like you're one to talk.

”Zia is with them and it seems that they are talking about the invasion. You guys really did well training my sister, kudos for that.” I don't know where did she get that kind of power in a short time but I can tell she got a boost or something.

”Anyway, I have to eat something or I'll die right here. I'll see you later.” She said and went straight into the buffet section.

*Chara's POV*

That guy I bumped into was Scy. I can't just sense his similar presence but his voice is the same as that guy. He left me alone, though. A really good way to show gentlemanliness. I heard that someone switched off the lights but who am I to confirm.

”Banana Girl! Is that you?! You're such a beauty.” Beauty what now? It's Jay. I can tell by the way he talks...

”Did someone hit you on the head? And I told you to call me Chara... Anyway, welcome to our place. Please have fun.” But I said it sarcastically while smiling.