189 Coming of the Rupture (1/2)

*Zia's POV*

Did we win? The Frozen King's generals and all his undead were gone from Lili's move. I can't tell if we really made it or not but I'm hoping that we did. The area is still covered with the debris and smoke after the explosion. We can't see anything inside. We didn't see any movements too.

”Scy! Your arms! I can't believe you even survived to try to absorb his tremendous aura.” Akko pretty worried about Scy while she's trying to heal him using her light magic. I guess she regained mana after resting.

”Lili used her spell at the right time. I almost died but I think I'm that lucky I guess.” Scy said. He's reckless but I guess it's his nature. Also, his transformation got canceled and he's trying to rest though I don't think he can fight again for some time.

”YOU FOOLS! DO YOU THINK YOU CAN KILL THE FROZEN KING JUST LIKE THAT?! I WILL SHOW YOU MY REAL POWER NOW! IMMORTAL KING'S FORM!” We heard the voice of the Frozen King in the area where the explosion happened and it doesn't really sound any good at all. How the hell did he survive from the full attack of Lili?!

*SWOOOOOOOOSH!* A dark portal suddenly opened near Scy's location! He's targeting Scy!

A powerful evil creature suddenly popped out of the dark portal and you can see that oozing aura that will kill you just by looking at it because of its tremendous malicious aura! It's the Frozen King with his full power!

”No, you're not! HEAVY FIERY KICK!” Scy suddenly turned around and used his last remaining power to use a powerful kick to somehow push the Frozen King back!

*BAAAAAAAAAAAM!* The Frozen King was hit directly in the face but...

”What?! You demon!” Scy managed to land the hit but after he used the attack, the face of the Frozen King budged a little bit but it's like it didn't really do anything!

Then he looked at Scy with a stare that could ruin your soul!

*GRAB* The Frozen King grabbed his leg!

”GAAAAAAH!” Scy cried in pain after the Frozen King crushed his leg! I guess he's not that lucky!

”Scy! Damn you, monster! GARUDA BEAST'S PREDATOR'S CLAW OF SAVAGE!” Elou rushed towards Scy to help him and aiming to attack the Frozen King with the best he's got! He swirled in midair and creating massive wind magic around him powerful enough to cut everything!

”DON'T INTERFERE, YOU PEST! IMMORTAL KING'S HANDS OF DEATH!” Before Elou reaches them, the Frozen King stopped Elou with his evil hand spell but this time, I didn't even see it coming to Elou!

*BAAAAAAAAAAM!* Elou's attack was canceled and he was pushed away by the attack!

”ACCCCK!” Elou flew towards one of the buildings nearby and the building was destroyed after he got hit!

”YOU'RE PROBABLY STILL ALIVE SO HOW ABOUT ANOTHER ONE!” The Frozen King pointed his hands towards the area where Elou landed and then...

”BAAAAAAAAAAM!” The Frozen King hit the area again with his powerful spell!

”ELOU! You're going to pay for that! GWAAAAAAAH!” Scy cried with anger. He tried to attack the Frozen King again but the only thing that's left on him is his right leg. He can't do anything anymore.

My body wants to help him but all I can do is stay still and watch... my fear grew and then I fell down to my knees. Once again, I've lost control over my body...

*SWOOOOOOSH! BAAAAAAAAM!* The Frozen King smashed Scy to the floor! Scy is not moving anymore, it's like he's already dead.

”THIS IS HOW YOU USE IT PROPERLY! IMMORTAL KING'S SOUL DEVOURER.” He grabbed Scy's neck then lifts him up while slowly turning him to ash!

”FLAME WAVE!” Akko burned Scy's body before the Frozen King defies him. You can see that Akko is trying to stop her tears from falling.

The others can't really do something. Even Sis, who's the strongest, can't help us at all. We used everything we've got yet we really can't defeat this monster.