168 Cats Figh (1/2)

*Just a recap about the last Extra Chapter*

Akko decided to make chocolate for Scy with a bit of love seasoning that would make him fall for her! And now it's time for her to give it to her beloved Scy!

-Life Guild Hall-

Oh God! He's here! What should I do?! It would be embarrassing to just give it to him with those people around. I have to give it when we're alone but he's Scy... there's no way he'll be alone...

Suddenly, a couple of girls started to flock around him... and they're holding chocolates!!

”Hello there, Mr. Scy! Just because you really are a good leader, we decided to give you chocolates!” It was Chelly and the others! Are you trying to make a move on Scy! Unforgivable!

”Oh, that would be nice! But how did you create chocolates in the game?” Scy asked curiously knowing there are no ingredients for chocolate in game. (Good job, Petula.)

”Oh, Miss Petula helped us on making our chocolate. She even added extra flavor to make it even tastier!” Chelly excitedly said...

Extra flavor? Do you think I don't know what that extra flavor is?! You don't mess with the hot girl!

”Here, take it. I'm pretty sure you'd like it.” Chelly is now giving the chocolate to Scy! If he eats it, then he might fall in love with that girl! I have to do something!

”Thank you! You're at the right time too. I'm so hungry after all that talk with Elou.” Scy grabbed the chocolates! No! You can't eat that chocolate!

I concentrated my firepower inside that chocolate that it melted the moment Scy grabbed it!

”Oh, what the heck happened? It melted after I touched it! Am I that hot that chocolate melt so fast in my hands?” Yes, you are!

”What? There's no way it would melt so easily. I've been holding it for a while now... Oh jeez. Maybe I have to make one again. Just wait!” She said and after that, they left Scy alone. Phew...

”Sure! Too bad I want chocolate that badly.” Don't worry, you will have mine!

Thank God that chocolate can melt. Well, it's my turn now. I hope nothing would...

Another girl got near him! So fast!

”...” What on earth are you doing there, Lili!

”Oh! It's chocolate! You want to give it to me too?” Scy! Are you a girl or something? Why do you like to have chocolates so badly!

I won't let you eat it! You're going to pay later for this Lili. All I have to do is melt it again!

”Thank you!” Scy grabbed it and once again, I focused my power inside the chocolate but... Why isn't it working!

”Wow! It didn't melt! Maybe Chelly's chocolates were not perfect after all. I have a question, why did you create a magic barrier around me?” Lili, you traitor! Her magic barrier stopped my spell! I trusted you and...

”...” Lili looked at me and started smiling... Now you're mocking me... Big sis is angry!

”Well, I'll eat it now.” Scy lifted his hands with chocolate and moving towards his mouth! He even closed his eyes to enjoy it even more! There's no way I can stop him from eating that.