159 Invisible Attacks (1/2)
*Scy's POV*
They actually defeated the annoying Minotaur. I admit Vortz's spell power is too great with all that power up, just too long to charge though. If only the Legendary Bosses and the Frozen King didn't gang up on me, then I have the chance to defeat the Minotaur alone. There are still a large amount of army and those two Legendary Bosses. The World Boss hasn't shown his face yet which I think is planning something bigger than this.
Well, to be honest, I don't think they'll let me help them because I might do something stupid again. I hope that someone can save me or get me killed for some reason. For now, I have to stay chill here. Waiting sucks.
-Icy Plains, Alliance Camp-
*Zia's POV*
Woah! I felt great that they killed the Minotaur. All that's left are the two Legendary Bosses. If it's possible, I don't want to join their fight yet.
”Hey Mari, isn't it time yet?” Celeste asked Mari.
”Not yet, just stay put. Officers of Guilds need to standby for now.” Mari replied.
”Oh man, I can use my magic now but I still can't join. Damn it!” Celeste's is too excited to join the fight.
Warriors and assassins who are being protected by barriers and defenders are slaughtering a lot of enemy's army. We are winning this! I can tell because their numbers are getting lower and lower every clash.
Those who fought the Minotaur are now resting. Sis and the others are preparing to finish the two remaining Legendary Bosses off.
”I warned you but you still want to continue the fight. I will handle the Snake chick alone. You guys go gang up on Doggie.” Sis said.
She is now preparing to attack the Snake woman. That snake woman is dangerous with her snakes because if you get petrified, you will be vulnerable to attacks and might end up dead in an instant.
”Let's see if your snakes can keep up. ACCELERATE!” Sis... disappeared! I can't tell what happened but as I focus, I found her slashing every snake that gets near her! So fast! My eyes can't even keep up with her speed!
”GORGON, ARROWS!” She ordered her gorgon army to use thousands of arrows against her! Can she dodge all of them?!
”SWOOOSH SWOSWOSWOOOOOSH!” Arrows are flying towards her direction! There's no way a human can escape something like that! The sky turned dark because there are so many arrows that sunlight can't even pass through from the sky!
But she stopped from running and started walking instead! Sis, are you nuts! The arrows are almost at her! She'll be dead meat if those arrows can hit her!
”CLANG CLANG CLANG!” She's walking while deflecting the arrows at the same time with her sword! She deflects it by swinging his sword so fast that I can't see her hand and sword!
”SWOOOOOSH SWOSWOSWOOOOSH!” But the arrows are just too many! It keeps on coming!
It finally ended but not a single one even touched her. That's so impossible... The area near her is filled with arrows that hit the ground. A good way to waste thousands of arrows...
”TSSSK!” The snake woman is really getting pissed. She could have ordered her allies to attack the army instead to decrease our army but killing my Sis is more important than that.
Sis is getting near the snake woman! She can't defend herself with that bow and arrows alone, this will be the end of her too!
”FAST THRUST!” Sis lunged at her with her sword in the front with so much high speed and great precision!
*CLANG!* What happened?! The snake woman managed to deflect the attack with daggers! She's not just an archer but also a good melee fighter for stopping Sis' fast attack.
”You've been hiding those little daggers of yours sneaky Snake Chick. But will it help you when time gets slower?” Sis said intimidating the Snake chick, I mean snake woman...
”CHRONOS FAIRY'S WRATH! SLOW TIME!” That moment she changes form, the movement around her area started to get slow down!