108 Memories (1/2)
-Order of Light Arena-
The crowd can't settle down and still excited to see the final match. Unfortunately, it's already six am in the morning and people should start to prepare for breakfast or the game would be a bad influence for them.
”People of New Life Online, I would like to say that the final round will start at ten am in the morning! That's right, ten am later! It's because at 12 am-midnight, the expansion will be added to the game and you can't log in to the game for a whole day. Of course, before that, the NLO representatives in the game will also announce what to be expected from the expansion. Anyway, be back at ten am to watch the fight!” Well, I think that's a good idea because it's also Sunday today and that means some of the people don't have work today.
”So Scy, It's your moment later. I really wish that you could win the match so people will think different of you instead of being a villain.” Akko worriedly said. Well, to their eyes, I will still be a villain even if I win or not.
”Don't worry about it. I'm the kind of person who doesn't really care too much of what people say. I'm just happy that I have friends that trust me, right?” I said while smiling towards them. They just looked away... I do hope I didn't say something bad.
”Anyway, let's meet up later before the fight starts. See you guys! I'll be back later!” I said and logged off out of the game.
-Aries Home-
The same feeling as always, stiff and aching body... I should do some exercise or my health would be ruined. Not to mention I haven't gotten any real exercise after waking up from the coma. I just did some rehabilitation to get my body in shape. I should prepare the breakfast and have some jogging outside later.
After preparing for breakfast, I left a note in the fridge that I will be gone for at least an hour to have some exercise.
I went outside the house with my usual jogging shoes, jogging pants, and sweatshirt. They are all kind of smaller, maybe because it's been so long since I wore them. The area didn't change that much. It's still as beautiful as ever. We are living here in a place where cities are really far because for some reason, my parents love nature and they hate pollution and noise. I admired how they tell stories about what if earth only has simple places like this and full of trees, flowers, grass, and clear sky. If they were alive before the accident... they would have loved New Life Online... I miss them. Tears fell from my cheeks remembering those memories with them. I have to move on. They are still alive for me. I will never forget how they showed me love and care.
I sat down in one of the benches in a resting area. Then I realized I ran too far... I forgot to bring a watch and a bottle of water... Nice job Aries... I saw a vending machine with some cold or hot beverages and some soda. I went there to buy one but... Damn it! I forgot to bring money!
”Are you having trouble mister?” A kid? With a wooden sword... Is he practicing some sort of swordplay here? He should be playing NLO.
”Oh, yeah... Well, to be honest, I forgot to bring money. This is the first time I exercised again and it seems I also forgot some of what I need.” Trying not to look like a fool.
”No problem Mister. Here you go.” He bought me one of the iced coffee... which I really LOVE!
”Thank you...” I tried to sign, asking for his name while drinking.
”You can call me Leion and you are welcome...” Then he signed asking for my name too.
”Thank you Leion and have fun practicing your sword. I'm Aries.” Then he just smiled and tried to check time in his phone.