58 Hearth Fire (1/2)
-South West of the Forest-
The fight between the Dragoons and the other opposing guilds continued.
”We can't waste our time here! I'll make a way!” A really tall guy wearing full-scale armor using a giant hammer said. He does seem to have the same features as Handy but really is a different person. His helmet also has horns that resemble like an animal with huge horns.
”Sir, please be careful. They are really strong.” He seems to be one of the high officers of their guild.
He got off his horse and prepared to use a large-scale attack.
”MAMMOTH'S MAELSTROM WAVE!” A violent giant wave of power made by his vicious attack destroyed and knocked back all enemies it hit. That was a powerful attack! In just one hit, he defeated most of the Dragoon's best cavalry!
”Did you see that?! That's the Leader of Hearth Fire Guild and ranked 11th, Bludgeon. The guild's city is where the best blacksmiths live! That was his famous Maelstrom attack! The cavalry of the dragoons was defeated easily!” Aika excitedly reported.
-West of the Forest, Near Icy Plains-
”Sir, the first group that was left behind was already wiped out. It seems that their Guild Leader already made his move.” One of the officers reported to the Leader of the Dragoons' Guild.
”Yeah, I can't feel their presence now. Jeez. If not because of this thick forest, we could have finished this round without any problems. Let's just move on. Don't let your guards down.” The guild Leader ordered.
”It seems you already lost a lot of your guild members. You are really trying hard. Are you that desperate to increase your ranking for being at the bottom?” They heard a woman's voice but they can't find her.
”Don't flatter yourself, Siren. I'm not the same as before. We will win this time!” Drake, the guild leader of Dragoons who is at rank thirteenth, said.
”We'll see about that, Drake.” After that, the woman's voice disappeared.
”You'll see... Dragoons guild will rise once again!” He exclaimed.
-Icy Plains-
”Hey Scy, where are you now, any problems so far?” Elou asked me.
”No problems so far just that raven girl. I'm doing my best to finish this race as soon as possible.” I replied.
”Sure, just be careful. Anyways if you need help just whisper us.” He suggested.
”Sure, I just reached the Tundra's icy plains. It's really getting cold out here.” With my consistent flying, I reached icy plains in just an hour. Icy plain is just beside the Vanguards' Stronghold.
”There is also no sign of Yeti so far. It seems that the Yetis really are already at the Icy Mountains. This will be a lot of trouble. Just stay there and I'll bring you the tooth for each one of us.” I explained.
My plan was to just defeat a yeti and bring its teeth back as soon as I can. Unlike other guilds, they have to bring their fellow guildmates in case they get ambushed by the others, just like what happened to Dragoons' Guild. They have to sacrifice their fellow guildmates to make sure they can increase the gap.
I continued flying to make it to the Icy Mountains as soon as possible.
-South West of the Forest-
”Sir they are all defeated. We can now continue without any problems.” One of the Hearth Fire guild officers said.
”Yeah, but it took us a lot of time. I can also already sense the other guilds from behind. Let's move faster this time. If we don't hurry they might catch up to us. A man like me should win this!” Bludgeon ordered. They continued their travel without further delay.
”That was a good warm-up huh Bludgeon. Ssss...” A guy from other guild said while making a snake sound.
”That wasn't even a warm-up. I know you know me. I am a man, Venum.” He replied back.
Venum is the guild leader of Serpentes Guild and also at rank twelfth. Their guild, like Ravens and Dark Brotherhood, are well known for their infamous acts. Serpentes are known for their use of poison to kill their foes slowly but surely.
”You are always serious Bludgeon... You should relax sometimes you know... You, being hot-headed won't help us you know. Ssss...” Bludgeon is known for being a hot-headed leader and because of that, he can't make good decisions. That's why he's at rank eleventh even with his current power.
”You just shut up and stop making that snake sounds. It's not manly and it's really annoying.” He said while making a face that looks pissed.
-Near the entrance of the Forest-
”Are they still far? I thought we are catching up to them?” Zeth asked one of his scouts.
”We were earlier Sir but they are already moving now. Earlier they are fighting with the Dragoons but they defeated them easily.” The scout reported.
”It's ok. We still have time to catch up to them. Just save your energy. Keep an eye on your mounts. It'll be bad if our mounts can't keep up with the race. Those idiots think that their mounts can just carry them to where they want without resting. We will see the after effect of their decisions later.” Zeth's plan is to save their energy and win the race without any casualties. He's being more careful.
”Any news about Scythus? I heard he's really fast with his weird spells.” He asked again.
”They say he's already in Icy plains, Sir. There's no chance that we can overtake him but we can ambush him later when he returns to pass the tooth. If we're lucky we might get the requirements, Sir.” The scout explained.
”That's a good plan. Just be updated. Our success is dependent on your information.” Zeth is calm and making sure that all was according to his plan.
”Scythus already reached the Icy Plains and that was really fast! In just an hour, the gap between him and the other players is really outrageous! Dragoons are also almost out of the thick Dark forest; behind them are the Serpentes and the Hearth Fire Guilds. The Order of Light Guild is also catching up to them. Let's make sure to watch closely and see what will happen!” Aika's enthusiasm never fails the audience.
*Siren 390
-Guild Leader of the Ravens
-Rank 10th