34 Deandre (1/2)

-Order of Light Guild Hall-

”Any updates about those two?” The leader asked the guards looking for Celeste and Zeth.

”They're still on their way sir. Also, we can't find Scythus at the moment. It seems he logged out from the game to lay low,” He reported.

”That's alright. We need to prepare for his arrest when he shows up. How about his friends?” Now they're trying to involve his friends.

”His friends are not part of the crime sir. We haven't seen them since this morning. He fought by himself, sir,”

”I'm sorry for what happened earlier, Sir. The guy used some kind of dark magic...” Deandre's back and while he's talking he was stopped by the guild leader.

”I know... you shouldn't underestimate your foes. What on earth happened? That guy wouldn't just attack you without you doing anything! Tell me the truth or I swear you will be punished!” He was so angry at what happened.

”To tell you the truth sir, we were just trying to check if he truly defeated the Giant Bear so we tried to test him but it happened so fast I realized I wasn't in the game anymore,” He told the truth, partially, but what will happen to him? Making a dumb decision created this mess.

”That's why you shouldn't judge people. Anyway, he still committed a crime so... you need to arrest him with Celeste and Zeth later,” Don't judge people he says.

”Sir, I can arrest him this time. I will do my best...” he got cut off again.

”No! You should know by now that you can't beat him. Let's not do anything idiotic,” Good one, leader.

-Aries' Home-

I logged out from the game earlier to prepare for dinner. We ate our dinner and talked for a bit. I really just wasted my whole day hiding... what a waste.

”Hey bro, don't wander around the city. It's really dangerous there right now. Tonight, when the guild officers arrive, we will hunt someone down,” Mari said, ”we”? So maybe she'll join to hunt me down. Too bad.

”Oh. It sounds serious. Thanks, sis. You should be careful too. They said he's really something, fought like a madman,” I replied and warned her, though I will never touch even a single strand of her hair.

This time, I've wasted too much time idling around instead of leveling or hunting. This is all Deandre's fault!

After doing my daily activities I went back to the game.

-Light's Tavern-

I'm really running out of time... Where, the heck, are my party members? They should be up by now.

”Hey, Scy what's up! We just logged into the game.” Speaking of the devil. Elou whispered to me. Jeez, clueless bunch.

”Go to the tavern and try not to attract too much attention. Are you with the girls? I asked.

”Oh yes, they're with me. Wait for us there,” He replied.

They came. Though they're really curious why there's no one inside the tavern. After I met them I explained what happened. They were shocked at first but they managed to accept the reality and somehow, they believed me.

”Aww too bad. No rewards for us. So, what should we do? They haven't created a wanted sign yet. Do you think we should go to the other cities or stronghold? This place is really not good for us,” Akko asked and she's kind of upset about what happened.

”That's right. We still don't have the wagon though so I think the only way is to travel by foot. Is that ok with you guys?” Oh man, what a waste of gold. I don't think we'll ever get it.