30 Giant Bear (1/2)
-Order of Light City-
”Did you hear the new rumor? The mysterious man who slaughtered the hobgoblins did it again! This time the Ogres were his prey. Ogres are way stronger than hobgoblins too!”
”I heard it! They said he wears a hood and wearing a cape. They said he was protecting his identity. He used a dagger this time and slashed every throat of the Ogres. Nasty, if you ask me,”
Random rumors around the city can be heard. And I thought I controlled myself this time. Oh, Jeez.
”Hey, Scy there you go! You were right. Our defensive masteries went up really good!” Akko excitedly said.
We met up after the training.
”That's good to hear, mine also increased a bit. How about we grab a bite?” I'm seriously hungry
We went to the tavern once again and fed ourselves with good and satisfying food.
”Hey, fellas. Did you hear the rumor? The Reaper did it again,” The tavern keeper said.
”What Reaper are we talking about now?” I asked.
”He's the one who slaughtered the Hobgoblins. The other players call him The Reaper because he kills the monsters like a Death God. This time it's the Ogres. Jeez. Ogres are so totally scary because they're ugly,” He said with a face of a bit scared. That's what scared you? The Ugly face? Really?
”Oh, that guy, I'm not that interested,” I replied.
”Anyways, if you met him don't get too close he might get mistaken and kill you out of the blue.” Am I that bad? I only kill bad people and monsters.
”Aren't you interested Scy? I think he's cool! Like a monster hunter!” Elou excitedly said.
”Nope, I don't think he wants attention that's why he hunts by himself... maybe,”
”Jeez, what a Kill Joy. Don't mind him Mr. Tavern Keeper and thanks for the info,” Elou smiled at him while drinking.
After that hearty meal, we decided to hunt this time for loot. We asked the Tavern Keeper the best spot and he said that if we can hunt the Giant bear he was talking about. The guild would really pay us handsomely which made us more excited.
”So, you heard the man guys, to the Giant Bear!” Elou excitedly said.
”They said the Giant Bear is really strong, are you sure we can defeat it by ourselves?” I worriedly asked. I thought I could hunt it by myself.
”Yes, of course, we are stronger now. After all the hunting, exploration and training, I'm pretty sure we can manage somehow,” Overconfidence is bad. You might get killed by it.
”Okay, we can always run if we can't defeat it. Just stay close guys,” I strictly suggested.
-West of Order of Light City-
We went to the west of the city trying to look for the giant bear but so far, we don't have a clue where to look. Also, tigers can be seen from far away. If they get hungry, they might attack us.
”Sorry guys, my tracking mastery is quite low. That's why we're having a hard time looking for it,” Elou apologized.