82 Targe (1/1)
Zen woke up . He felt much better . Alisha's healing was far much better than the medicine he relied on . It would boost his strength and added a sense of freshness . He inhaled the fresh air and headed to his office . A new day . New assignments to be acknowledged .
”How are you feeling sir ?”
”Much better . How's Alisha ?”
”She is well and good. ” They both walked down the dining hall. Alisha was waiting for him . After breakfast they began their normal routine . Zen did not utter a single word about the person or the situations . Alisha wanted to go for a walk outside .
”Ashia will you accompany me to the streets ?”
”Sure madame . Is it really okay ? I mean His Majesty had... ”
”I know . As long as you are with me I don't have to worry besides it's just the streets . I just want to go out its depressing to be in the same place . ”
”Alright then . As you wish madame ” Ashia and Alisha move out . Zen easy busy addressing an important meeting . They were just walking around . The streets weren't busy . The trees shed their leaves at this time of year . Suddenly Ashia sensed someone following them . He tried to cover Alisha but two arrows came in aiming at them .Ashia dodged his and in the event of saving Alisha the arrow struck his arm. He tried to look for the one who shot them but couldn't find anyone. Alisha got worried and panicked .
”Ashia ! Oh God . Hold on I'll pull it out .” She removed the arrow slowly and healed him. Using the shawl which covered her hair she tied it aroundhis arm covering the wound. If not for Alisha nobody would have been able to bring help at the right moment . Moreover the arrows were poisoned . They both returned back quickly .
”Just as we feared ! This cannot be taken lightly anymore . Did you find anyone around you Ashia ?” Neil asked tensed as they all sat in the main hall. Zen overheard their conversation and stood before them . Frowning with clenched fists .
”No . The streets were empty which was quite awkward to begin with . There is no doubt they were targeting lady Alisha . ”
”I'll Deploy the police to look into this matter at once . Unforgivable ! How dare they ?” Neil said gritting his teeth . Soon a messenger walked in . .