80 To tell you something (1/1)
Holding her little chin he said
”Listen ... I never realised you were so sad about it all this time . I was very frustrated. I was tired and I couldn't get some rest as well . It's just the worries and tension keep lurking in my brain . I cannot avoid it . I thought my dear wife understood that . Ah ! The food is here.”
”I'm sorry . I didn't mean to blame you or something . I was just .... ”
”It's alright . Let's have food for now. ” Mihaya and Neil left after setting all dishes and cutlery .
”Well... I wanted to talk to you about something ” Alisha managed to speak after gathering a lot of strength . Zen felt a little hazy . He wasn't able to eat still he managed to put a tough act .
”Yes. It's a lot busy lately .”
”Huh... No I was actually hoping to talk to you about ...” Alisha was about to continue but she could notice Zen was a little disturbed .
”Zen are you okay ?”
”Ya.. Im. .. ” The fork fell from his grip and fell on the floor. He ran his fingers through his hair and pulled his hair slightly . He was wincing in pain . Severe headache hit him and it made him suffer as though someone was banging his head. Alisha got up from her seat and went up to him .
”Zen. .What happened...?”
”The ... Medicine ... bring .. !!! Call.. Neil .. Argghhhh ..”
”Oh my God ... ” Alisha realised what he was asking for . That drug was harmful to be consumed at his age .
”No.. I can't give you that . ”
”What ?!... Alisha .. Call Neil I can't bear ... This ... ”
”Wait .. Calm down ..” Alisha held him and placed her palm on his forehead . Using the spell she healed him . He took rapid breaths and closed his eyes holding Alisha's hand tightly .
”Are you feeling better ? ”
”Yes... ” Zen sat straight rubbing his temples . Alisha gave him some water to drink . His throat was parched @