78 Mind your own business (1/1)
Zen wanted to skip his dinner. He said he was unwell which obviously bothered Alisha as she sat on the dining table .
”What happened to him ? I'll go check on him then . ”
”My lady he just wants to rest for a while . He is fine ” Neil retorted .
”Yes . Then I'll make him rest after he finishes eating . Mihaya can you please arrange for in Zen's room ?”
”As you wish My lady . ” Mihaya bowed and went into the kitchen . Neil accompanied Alisha to Zen's quarters .
”Come to think of it this is the first time I would be seeing Zen's room . Oh my for some reason I'm very excited . I'll get to know his tastes and stuff ....” Alisha thought and her mouth fell open when she stood before the door.
”What the.. it's locked! Did you lock him inside Neil . ?”
”No.. He must be in his office then. Actually His Majesty dislikes anyone entering his room without his permission. He is very much concerned about it . I don't get to sneak in too . He always locks it himself . ”
”What ? What's the logic behind doing it ? Why is he keeping his room locked ? Ok I understand may be for security reasons but still .... Huh. ..And Here I was hoping to have a look inside. ”
”It's better you don't . ”
”Huh...But Why ...”
”Let's head to the office ....”
”Right ... But ..” Neil deliberately tried to avoid answering Alisha . Zen was going through some documents as Alisha entered . Neil excused himself and stood aside.
”What do you want ? ” He said with eyes still glued on the papers.
”Don't you have a slightest bit of affection to your fiance ?” Alisha asked with an innocent tone .
”No I don't . You better stop expecting such things ”
”Oh how rude . What are you so busy with ? ”Alisha walked up to his desk and leaned to check what he was reading . She read aloud a familiar looking name .
”Shu Saura ! I have a feeling I have heard this name before. ” Zen shoved everything aside .
”What are you doing here ? Don't disturb me and try to figure out what I'm doing its none of your business ! Why don't you just go sit in your room and do whatever! do I ever bother you ?” He shouted and Alisha stood clenching her fist . Zen's such behaviour at times made Alisha fear him . Whenever he scolded her , she could feel her heart race . Still she calmed herself and removed his glasses with shivering hands. Zen narrowed his eyes in surprise . .