76 Bad choice for Zen (1/1)


Erwin gave her a surprising look with dwindling eyes . His lips quivered . He probably was short of words in response to her .

”You know ... You are actually a very bad choice for Zen . His thick skull wouldn't understand the least bit of your talk . ”

”What. .. What are you saying ? I wasn't joking !”

”Neither was I . So Alisha .. Is it alright for me to believe you ? Is it all right for me to hope ? To begin a new life ?”

”I wouldn't call it a mistake . Everyone want to win what they don't have so they keep striving for it. Have faith in me . ”

”Alright then. I'll have faith in your faith.” He replied with a smile . Alisha realised her little talk did have a great impact on him . Perhaps if that would have been done sooner may be they would have been able to avoid misfortunes to happen . Well we aren't capable of doing everything but the little power we are blessed with we can definitely do wonders ! She was indeed satisfied. What happened was what she anticipated but the toughest job was now to convince Zen . She shivered slightly just by the thought . Neil came in and stood behind her .

”It's time !”He whispered .

”Yes. Will see you later Erwin ” She walked back with Neil . ”I'm very grateful for what you did Neil . ”

”My pleasure Madame but please try to avoid letting His Majesty know that you met Erwin . ”

”Yes . I Will. ” Neil escorted Alisha back to her quarters .
