48 To improve oneself for someone else (1/2)
”What happened ?”
”No... It's nothing I'm fine . ” He leaves her and moves behind . Whispering something to Neil he sits on the sofa . Alisha sits facing him . She thanks God for letting her rest . Zen on the other side looked perfectly normal she was the only one tired . Neil enters with the maids carrying fresh lavender tea.
”My lady please have some tea it will give you some relief . ”
”Oh Thank you Neil . That's very thoughtful of you ” She smiled . After sometime Zen asked her to dance for the final time . She did it well this time . Thanks to the tea she got her lost energy back .
”You understand now don't you ? I hope you won't mess it ”
”Ofcourse I won't . I think I'm perfect at this now . ”
”Good to hear . Well I need to head back . I have wasted si much of time on this ”
”Yeah .. Im sorry . You had to do this ” Zen leaves without replying .
”I'm glad we won't have to repeat dance sessions . ”
”Well my body aches . You should know how much I have worked hard for this and Zen won't even bother praising me for this . Why is he always so cold ?”
”He cannot express anything I agree but he does care for you My lady . He knew you were tired and wanted to rest that's the reason he asked me to arrange for the tea ”
”What ? He did ?”