28 The dark pas (1/1)
My mother was very sweet. I adored her. She was pretty , with long golden hair. She was fair and tall. Thin eyebrows and dark blue eyes. She loved flowers . Just like you she admired the nature. She regularly went around the colonies in the Kingdom to check of everyone were doing fine. Since dad was busy with meetings and many other things she to care of the people personally. One day as she was moving on rounds she saw a young girl crying sitting under a tree. Away from people. Trembling . My mother went upto her.
”Hello dear . Can I help you with something ?” She asked the girl in a sweet voice. She kept crying wiping her eyes.
”I'm lost . I don't know this place . I don't remember anything ..... ”
”Oh . Are you alone ? You don't have to cry . You can tell me I'll definitely help you .”
”...Yes I'm alone. My mom and dad are dead . I don't know anyone here. I'm. .. I'm hungry ”
”That's sad! Oh dear . ” My mom was sad. She felt pity and so she took the girl to the palace. Nobody knew where she was from . Everyone were scared to approach her due to her strange appearance .
The king was busy with his usual schedule.
”Excuse me dear. Can I have a moment ?”
”Sure ! Come in . Is something the matter? ” The king spoke standing up from his chair.
”Actually . I found a girl . She was all alone . No guardian. I think she was abandoned . ”
”Ohh where is she ?” The queen asked the girl to come in. Long hair. Pretty face. She was cute 9 year old girl . Crimson red bright hair. Red eyes.
”I was thinking .... may be if we could adopt her ? Will it be a problem ? ”
”I don't think so Irina . This child isn't a normal one. She is gifted. I'll save the details but we will adopt this child. ” The king placed his hand on her head and said.
”You will now have a roof on your head. We will give you our name . You will continue to live with us . From this day on we are your family !” Her eyes sparkled. Tears of joy dripped down her cheeks. She was happy .
”I would remain thankful to you Your Highness ! ” She bowed down .
”You will address him as father and me as mother. You must be hungry . ! ” The queen called Milana the maid and asked her to give her proper clothes and show her room. Her name was Saraha. It was old fashioned but nobody decided to change it since it was the only thing she remembered. It was around that time I met Erwin . He was a kid who had to leave his homeland and was working in our country . He worked for the palace. In time we became good friends. He was the only friend I had. Erwin gave the entrance exam to officially work as Prime Minister's secretary . As of which I became even more closer to him and were more like brothers than friends.
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