26 A sad truth (1/1)
Alisha took out her large briefcase and began stuffing it with all of her garments, her important stuff and zipped it . Then she searched for her belongings in the wardrobe .
”I hate him . What does he think of himself ! He has no brains , no emotions , and he runs a country lame . Totally lame ! ” Erwin entered knocking at already open door.
”I agree he lacks emotions but he has brains . ”
”You want me to kill you? ! How dare you come here ? ”
”My My ... did I do something wrong ? I'm afraid I just came to see my old friend that's all . ”
”Frozen magic . You used frozen needles to hurt me the other day ! I know all your tricks . Spit it out already You Betrayer !”
”Hmmm... Interesting! You are not as dumb as I thought . ” Heguffawed.
” You are that one hurdle in my way I didn't wanted . Mind you own business and I'll spare your dear life . Don't interfere !”
”Your warnings aren't gonna scare me a bit . I'm not raised to be a coward and I won't stand injustice amd betrayel. It was easy for you to fool Zen because he blindly trusted you. You took advantage of him how very unpleasant ! ” Alisha clicked her tongue . Clenching her fists she walked upto him .
”Wow . Impressive ! Your stuff is already packed . That's good I won't have to deal with you anymore . You are right Zen blindly trusts me. He wouldn't listen to someone who just made an entrance over a 10 year old friendship. Practically impossible. Tch Tch .... I feel sad for you .”
”There is no need to feel sad for me . I have made arrangements it won't be long before he will realize the difference between right and wrong and after that be ready to face his wrath . He is known as the Fire lord for some reason !” Erwin remained silent . Alisha's confident look made him doubt himself. He let out a chuckle but his face paled when someone spoke.
”She is right ! I never trusted anyone as such probably because all my trust was laid on you . You were the foundation . My heart aches to know that what I did was a waste! A total waste . Why did it had to turn out this way .... Why do people always end up betrayingme ? Why am I given false hopes ? Answer me Erwin ! ” Zen's eyes turned red . Voice heavy, palpitations , watery eyes.
”You have got it all wrong Zen . Don't believe this girl . She is just trying to break our friendship,our bond! You can never trust an outsider. It's good that we got to know beforehand or else God knows what she might have done to us . Who knows what malicious and wicked thoughts she is been brewing up until now ? Please Zen try to understand !”
”I have been gifted with a very harrowing ability . You can't even begin to understand the pain I'm suffering after reading your mind . Thanks to Neil I was here right on time . It dejects me painfully Why you !!!...” He punches his face so badly that blood drips from his mouth . Erwin wipes it with the back of his palm .
”Hehe... hahaha .. Woah congratulations on learning my true self after a decade good old friend ” He bursts out into a huge laughter . ” You have always been so naive and childish. It's not your fault . Anyways it's high time I did what I was supposed to a very long time back . ”
”What nonsense are you blabbering ?”
”You must be punished for killing my sister ! Your clan must suffer for what they did to me! ! I won't forgive you bastards! I will turn your laughter into screams ! ” Erwin takes his sword cuts through air . His hair begin to turn red . Bright Crimson red astonishingly . Alisha gasps and covers her mouth . Zen takes his sword but he begins to disappear.
”For now I'll leave but the next time I return be ready to face death !”