24 I was star gazing (1/1)

Early morning the sun shines casting it's radiance on Earth but Alisha refuses to accept it as she wants to embrace her sleep . Last night she couldn't sleep properly as she spent time spying the culprit who dared to put a scratch on her precious neck . Reesha gave a knock and called out .

”My lady It's morning ! Are you awake ?”

”Reesha please I wanna sleep ... I'll wake up after sometime . ”

”I don't mind My Lady . But Sir Neil asked me to  pass this information that if you sleep any longer you may have to write 6 histories of Isla. ” Alisha froze . Her eyes automatically opened wide. 6 histories were equal to 2 days and 3 nights , 135 pages precisely. Neil would never allow her to escape the penalty he gives as orders come straight from Zen .   It was better to wake up than do such nonsense . Yawning hysterically she comes down for breakfast . Erwin takes his seat as well . From the past month there is always a new member on the dining table . Earlier it was just Zen and nobody else but now he was so accustomed to eating with people that he coult have food without Alisha .

”What in the world were you doing last night ? ” Zen asked looking her gloomy eyes . Alisha swallowed quickly and took her glass of water to avoid him .

”I asked you something ? Aren't you able to sleep ? Is there a problem ?”

”N...no not at all . I was star gazing ! You won't understand anyways I'll take a nap afternoon and I'll be fine ”

”Huh.... ” Zen let out a deep sigh . Erwin was silently eating but froze when Zen looked at him .

”The food tastes great ! ” He exclaimed . Zen raised a brow

”I never asked you about the food . Jeez there is certainly something weird going on ... ”

”Everything's fine I wonder why you feel that way . Anyways Are you done with the invitation cards for the engagement and also you guys need to model for the latest royal service magazine right ?”

”Yeah Erwin  ... I'll be busy today as well I guess . ”Zen replied without change in his look.

Neil quietly observed standing back . Soon after breakfast  Alisha approached Ashia who was helping pick some cartons .

”My Lady ! What can I do for you ?”

”Hey Ashia . I'm sorry to  disturb you but listen I want to dicuss something with you and it's very important alright . It has to be between you and me . I need you to help me out.  It's a big help . Can you do it ?”

”Ofcourse ! This is the first time you have asked me ma'am . I'll make sure to fulfill my purpose . ” He kneeled down . Alisha stepped back and waved her hands before him .

”No ..Ashia please raise your head . You don't have to do this . ” He stood up . Alisha smiled .

”So what should I do My lady ?”

”Yes about that . ” A serious look enveloped her pretty face .
