Chapter 447 - Wan Lis Revenge (1/2)

”What are you doing here, brother? Are you looking to avenge your parents? Please don't risk your lives and come back to the sect,” Alex said.

”You… won't understand,” Wan Li said softly and ran further in.

'Where is he going? Does he know the way?' Alex wondered as he followed Wan Li.

”Oi kid, leave the old man behind. You don't have to follow him,” the woman and 3 other men were following behind but stopped.

”Kid, we are leaving with or without you. The bandit is gone and we need to leave before he informs his boss,” the woman said, but Alex didn't listen.

He continued following behind Wan Li as he went deeper into the forest.

”Senior, what do we do now?” one of the men asked.

”Let's go back. We need to move soon or the Black Venom himself will come to find us,” the woman said.

”And that kid?” another man asked.

”Forget about that kid or even the old man. If they went in deep, they are sure to die. We need to save our hide for now,” the woman said and started running backward.

The men followed her and they soon reached the road again.

”You guys are back,” Zhang Xie said and looked around. ”Where's the little brother? And that old man?”

”They followed deep after the man; they didn't want to come back,” the woman said.

”Oh no, we need to get them,” Zhang Xie said.

”No, we can't. We need to leave now before the Black Venom realizes we've killed his people,” the woman said.

”But… but the little brother, we need to get him at least,” Zhang Xie said.

”Do you want to risk the lives of everyone here for a feisty kid that won't listen to us and goes in looking for danger?” the woman asked.


”Mister! If we don't leave now, you will die,” the woman said.

Zhang Xie finally came to his sense and softly said, ”I'm sorry brother Wen, your disciple brought this on himself.”

”Alright people,” he then loudly shouted. ”Move! We need to leave this area right now,” he said.

The caravan started back up and the carriages moved hastily. They left the area as fast as they could and moved along.

* * * * *

The leader ran through the forest at incredible speed while going through thick trees using his movement technique that worked best in the trees.

He used his wood-related movement techniques to quickly lose the guards behind, but he was losing a ton of blood.

'I… I need to find the boss soon,' he thought. 'Those bastards need to die. They dare kill members of our group?'

He huffed and puffed and made his way further in. Finally, after finding a relatively secure place in the forest, he placed his spear on the tree and sat down.

He quietened down and listened to the people, trying to feel the people's aura.

”I should be safe. Ugh… that bastard cut through my waist. Shit!” the man said to himself.

His vision was starting to get hazy and he could feel himself falling unconscious.

He tried to reach his storage bag, but his left arm was hurt too. Still, he looked for his storage bag to take out a pill to heal himself now that he was relatively safe.

”Huh? Where's my storage bag?” he worriedly checked his cloth, but it wasn't there.

'Shit, did it fall out of my robes?' he wondered.

He patted himself left and right with his right hand, but couldn't find the storage bag anywhere.

”Shit! Where the fuck did I drop my storage bag? this wound is so big and I need medication. I hope I don't die not even 2 months into the—”

Suddenly a fireball flew right to his head and smacked him across the face.

”Fuck!” he got scared and stood up to run, but he realized the fireball barely stung.

He looked around and checked the person who just attacked him.

”Mind Tempering realm? Fuck you man, why the fuck are you scaring me for nothing?” he shouted.

Wan Li had made it up to him and had attacked. He took out his sword and started sending out fire slashes towards the man.

”Goddammit! Die,” he shouted and tried to jump forward to hit, but his feet just wouldn't move like they needed to.

He still took out his spear and slashed around, sending out attacks. They were very dangerous for Wan Li, but the man was wounded and slow, so he could dodge pretty easily.

The man suddenly placed his hands on the ground and roots started propping out from the ground.

They were very fast and were closing in on Wan Li.

Wan Li too dropped down and touched the ground to quickly turn it into lava and sent it forward to stop the roots.