Chapter 326: Maze Run - Start (1/2)

In the seating area.

”What the hell? I… I thought it was going to be a normal Maze run. Dear Lord, look at the size of it,” Luo Mei exclaimed.

”It certainly is … unique. I hope little Ma and the rest, as well as Yu Ming, will be fine in this,” Wen Cheng said. Even Du Yuhan at the side was a little surprised.

Fan Ruogang stood up from her seat. ”Sect Leader, what the hell is that? That wasn't what it looked like last time. It was just a simple maze back then. What is going on?” she asked.

”I don't know, Fanfan. It seemed the boredom of last year's Maze run forced them to make this one more… interesting,” Ma Rong said.

”Master, is Yu Ming going to be alright? That looks a little dangerous,” Zhou Mei said to her masters.

The Third Elder pat her back and said, ”I'm sure he will be okay. Look, the staff is already flying above the Maze. They are ready to save the participants when they need it,” she said.

Ma Rong looked at the maze once more and got a little worried. This was not what she had expected when she sent him there.


”Oh, This is interesting,” Emperor Zexian said when he saw the Maze finally show itself from the barrier. ”It wasn't like this last time, was it?” he asked.

”I don't think so. I remember being very bored last year during this maze run and couldn't help but want the battles to begin,” the Empress said.

”It's actually all second brother's idea for them to change it. He remembered how boring it was too,” the princess said.

”I did… but, not even I could've expected them to make this many changes,” the second prince said.

”Oh look, the first batch of 10 went in. This is going to be a little more interesting for sure,” The Empress said with a curious smile.

* * * * *

”30 seconds later. The next group will leave. Number 11 to 20, please come forward,” Fu Zhen called the next group forward.

'30 seconds per 10 people. So me at 124… that's 6 minutes later. I will start 6 minutes later than the rest. I hope that doesn't make that much of a difference,' Alex thought.

More and more participants of the Maze run went in, and finally, after over 5 minutes, Alex walked forward when his name was called.

Fu Zhen waited for the 30 seconds to pass and said, ”Go.”

Alex immediately walked through the 4th of the 10 openings in the maze that belonged to him. He was now inside narrow walls of tall plants. He took the path straight ahead and walked.

At the same time, he started thinking.

'Remember what are the rules. What am I not allowed to do?' he thought.

'I can't attack another player. I can't touch the talisman of another player without this red talisman. I can't obstruct another player's path, and finally… I cannot stop moving,' Alex thought and kept on walking.