Chapter 242: Wan Lis Past (1/2)

”Is this a regular thing, or are there more people here due to the competition,” Alex asked.

”There are a little more people here due to the competition, but it's mostly just like this,” Ma Rong said. She too was a little affected by the festival-like environment but not nearly as much as Alex.

Soon they reached a massive building with floors in the dozens. ”Woah, that's a tall building,” Alex said. He knew there were taller buildings in real life, but had never seen any personally.

Even the tv station building he had gone to with his cousin wasn't as tall as this.

Ma Rong walked in with Alex behind her. The hotel clerk did nothing when they saw the robes and stayed aside. Even if they dared to, the aura Ma Rong was sending out would scare them away.

”Ah, sect leader, you are here,” Second Elder was standing in the hallway with the 18 other disciples and a few more elders nearby.

”You got the room?” Ma Rong asked.

The second Elder shook his head, and said, ”They say they need the talisman from the association I gave you.”

”Alright,” Ma Rong said and walked up to the registration and showed the talisman. The man quickly nodded and gave them a bunch of keys.

”Let's go,” Ma Rong said and was about to walk to the stairs when suddenly someone spoke up.

”Oh my, Oh my. If it isn't the sect known for getting second place in the alchemy competitions last year. What a stroke of luck that we could meet them here,” someone said.

Ma Rong's face turned a little cold and a general air of hostility appeared in the other elders and disciples too. Only Wan Li and Alex were looking around the place, unknown about what was going on.

”I see you successfully found the way to the hotel, Daoist Xu. It's good to know that all those explosions haven't left you blind,” Ma Rong said.

”Hah, why would they blind us?” the person named Xu asked.

”Oh, it's truly a surprise that you weren't deafened either. I'm happy for you, Daoist Xu,” Ma Rong said.

The person named Xu was a short, chubby, hawk-faced cultivator wearing orange robes. He was currently seething in anger, and so were the rest of his sect members.

”Ah, you must be late to go make some more explosions. I won't stop you,” Ma Rong said and left up the stair. The rest of the elders and disciples did the same as well.

The Daoist Xu remained behind, fuming at the fact that he didn't get the last word in.

Alex walked up to Ma Rong and asked, ”Who's that?”

”Xu Beng, sect leader of the Spring Song Sect,” Ma Rong said.

”Ah, that sect that makes the explosive pills? Those were annoying to fight against,” Alex said.