Chapter 211: Scorpion (1/2)

Alex logged back in and woke up in the familiar grassland. He stood up from where he was sleeping in the grass and looked at his wound immediately. Fortunately, it was all but healed.

”2 more fruits should do it,” he thought. He would go back to the cliff once he was hungry. For now, he decided to start looking for the yang jades.

His tattered robes were not a good sight to look at and he desperately wanted to take another robe out from inside his storage bags. Unfortunately, due to his qi not working, he couldn't.

”God, even if my spiritual sense just worked, I could do something,” he thought. He tried to push out his Qi, against the pressure of whatever was suppressing it, but in the end, his efforts were futile.

Next, he tried Spiritual sense once more. He tried to push the suppressing force once more, using a lot of his spiritual sea in the process.

It was working. He was pushing back the suppression force from his mind and was starting to be able to use his spiritual sense a little. It was one a few centimeters around his mind, but that was a positive result nonetheless.

In the end, he ended up drying his spiritual sea in the process and stopped. The suppression force slammed back, making him unable to use it again.

Alex breathed heavily as what he did took a lot of effort out of him. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead and he was feeling really hot right now. After resting for a while and cooling down, he moved on.

Every location in this place looked the same. There was not a single tree in sight and the entire land was covered in grass. If it were not for the cliff behind him and the sun's location, Alex doubted he could even remember where he had been and where he had not with his eidetic memory.

He walked on and on and on, for hours on end but still didn't manage to find any yang jade.

”Damn, just how rare is it?” he thought. He continued searching and searching and found that he had searched every single place in the grassland. He only had 2 places left to be searched.

One was the cliffside where the disciples were. He could go along the base of the cliff and see if there were any. He could also try to swap fruits for yang jades with the desperate ones if they had any.

The next place was the river bank. There could be some there, but Alex hesitated a bit due to the danger his Martial uncle said was there. However, he couldn't stop now because of some danger.

He was quite thirsty too, so it was the perfect time to go there. He reached the river bank on one end, where the cliff met it. The other side of the river was a desert that Alex had seen previously.

He didn't have time to admire it last time given that Zheng Min was dying and he was busy helping him. He did however remember the yellowish-red sands. Those were quite surprising to him.