1411 In Modern Day 9 (2/2)

”My area is haunted. Do you know anyone who's good at ghostbusting?”

”I'm very good at that.” The Star replies without hesitation.

Then wouldn't I be exposed? I quickly send an emoji:

”???? I won't trouble you for the time being. You seem very busy.

”Do you have anyone else that you could introduce to me?”

”Yes, a lady, a medium. She's skilled in techniques from overseas, but I can guarantee that it's effective. There's another foreigner, a priest. He's also good at setting up exorcism rituals.” The Star replies.

”They're all foreigners? You don't have Daoist priests or monks to introduce?” I'm more trusting towards local ones.

The Star replies:

”I only know foreign ones!”

”Okay. Who's better?” I had wanted to ask who's cheaper, but considering how someone cheap might not do the job, I don't dare to skimp on that.

The Star immediately says:

”Ma'am Da.”

”I'll give you her QQ number. Add her directly and contact her.


”Okay, thank you.” I quickly copy the QQ number and paste it into the search box.

Ma'm Da's QQ name is ”SleepingWithCorpses,” and adding her requires one to answer a verification question: ”How old are you?”

How old? This question is strange… Do I need to use a countersign? I'm puzzled for a moment. I take a screenshot and send it to The Star.

”What's the answer?”

The Star replies:

”Just answer that you're an adult.”

”What's the meaning of this? She doesn't entertain underaged clients?” I'm confused.

”No. She just wants to determine the extent she can go in the conversation.” The Star answered simply, and then used an image to supplement it: Open to suggestions, ready to be suggestive.

”…” For some reason, I'm at a loss on how to respond. I fill up the verification according to The Star's answer and fill in ”Adult.”

Da doesn't seem online. I didn't get added even after a few minutes. After thanking The Star, I use snacks to console myself.

After eating and drinking, I head to the bathroom outside to wash up and prepare to head to bed.

Ma'am Da still hasn't added me.

I switch on the bathroom light and turn on the tap. I reach for the towel.

Turning around, I suddenly see a figure in the mirror.

That figure is blurry. Vaguely, I see it wearing a small hat. It's a woman in a black dress.

Clearly, this isn't my projection!

It can't be Sia Tas, who wears pajamas as home!

Instantly, my mind explodes and I hurriedly retreat.

”Don't be afraid,” the woman in the mirror says in an ethereal voice. ”Someone hired me to protect you.”

”Who?” I ask subconsciously.

The figure in the mirror replies calmly, ”A detective named Sherlock Moriarty.”