Chapter 3 (2/2)

Only the carriage remained in the wasteland. The imps surrounded the wagon in no time. The tiny devils jumped in excitement.

“It’s a human! A little girl!” The demons cheered gleefully and thrashed around. In the blink of an eye, the carriage fell apart and broke.


Like a doll, Leticia rolled around inside the carriage.

She must get her head straight despite the pain. Out of instinct, she hid near the broken parts of the carriage.

“Where did the tiny one hide? “Maybe over here? Or here?”

The imps were mocking her and clearing out the debris. Her future was looking bleak to her. If the imps caught her, then it was obvious. She would die a horrible death.

“I can’t! I can’t die off to these demons either!”

Leticia looked at her surroundings. Was there a way for her to escape? Would a miracle appear in front of her? She looked at the group of imps through a tiny crack. After that, she could only see the feet of the red-skinned imp. Out of despair, she looked around even more.


Suddenly, Leticia’s eyes widened when something grabbed her attention.

“That is……?” It was so absurd that she thought she was hallucinating. But no matter how many times she rubbed her eyes, it was still there. A canister tied at the bottom of the wagon. In the center, a very weird item was there.

It had a brilliant color scheme of red and blue with a circular trademark in the middle. On top of it was a red lid. Even with her eyes, she couldn’t believe it. It was an artifact unknown to this world. She remembered that it was an item from her past life. So, she tried to think of its name.

……butane gas!’

It was a portable butane gas lid.

It was like finding the hidden item in the picture, calmly mixed in within their storage.

It seemed like the imps didn’t know what it was. Even if they were busy lighting things on fire, they didn’t pay the slightest bit of attention to it. Leticia looked at it as if she was possessed. In the midst of despair, a spark of hope flared.

‘I could use that!

Her brain quickly turned its gears to think. She searched through her past memories in a hurry.


It immediately came. In her past life, she memorized the news while she was preparing for a job interview. A malicious businessman snuck into a company building in the middle of the night with a butane gas. The culprit lit the butane gas and ran away.

After a while, the gas exploded. The office was a wreck, and the glass shattered into pieces. It was just a tiny can, but people shouldn’t underestimate the power of butane gas as it could explode up to ten meters.

‘Alright! Let’s do it!

Leticia decided.

Since Leticia was not fed properly, her arms were thin enough to get out from the cramped space between the wagon and her spot.

She sneaked part the imps while crawling and straining her arms. After hovering in the air multiple times, she finally grabbed the can. The imps were screeching and jumping wildly that they didn’t even notice. At that moment, she whisked it to herself. Along with the dirt, she felt the can’s slick and firm shape.

She thought hard to remember how it felt in her past life. This was the real deal. She gained more confidence in herself. Leticia grasped the can hard. In the other, she got a clump of dirt. Then, she stood up.


The carriage debris was tipped over. In that moment, they saw a red-haired human girl standing in between.


The imps stopped moving. They did not think for a second that their prey would reveal herself.

“What is this?”

Leticia threw the dirt into their eyes. They also did not think this would happen. The demons who were trying to grab Leticia screamed.

“You dare?”

She earned a few precious minutes. Without missing a second, she threw the can with all her might. She aimed at her target. The middle of where the imps were stumbling around. It was a sight.

‘Mother, father! Please give me strength!’

Her sincere thoughts gave her more arm strength. The butane gas flew hard. She hit the mark.

After checking that it hit, Leticia went to go hide near a plank.

“What is she doing right now?” “What did the puny human throw just now?” “Does she think we’re a joke?”

The imps leaned in closer to the can. It was at that moment.