7 Jacob Adam Guildford (2/2)
”She is a white witch?”, Jacob blurted.
The Lord spoke nothing.
The death of Jacob bought widespread mourning. The residents Brookville mourned for the beloved Prince. He wasn't a typical stoic rude Prince. He was people's Prince.
The tragic death of the Prince shook the Lord.
Had he knew about this, he wouldn't have allowed her brother to go out in the stormy night. It was all his fault. He should have assigned guards for him.
Present day.
The guilt and regret formed an ocean in his heart. The guilt which he could never get rid of.
The cursed himself. One mistake of his, took a life... his only left familiar's life.
Once again, he was orphaned for the second time.
Placing white lilies near the dead Prince's tomb, Lord Alexander touched the tombstone. His touch looked as if he was caressing a child. His eyes showed no emotions yet they were soggy.
The gentle breeze caressed his sculpted face. He stood up and headed towards his carriage.
He could no longer stand it. His guilt and regrets weighed his heart downed.
Getting in the carriage, he ordered the guards to head towards the palace soon. Sooner the better.
Upon reaching the castle, the Lord headed towards the dark corridor.
Although it was dark, it was well maintained. His eyes scanned the whole corridor. He walked for a while and then stood still. Turning to his right, he touched the perfectly carved teak wood door. He held the golden knob and twisted it gently. It clicked. He stood there for a while and then finally pushed the door.
The room smelled like home to him. The ancient painting hung on the walls. Everything was in its right place just like his father left them. No one dared to enter the dead Lord's room.
Only Alexander had access to this room.
He occasionally visited his father's room and cleaned everything and placed them as his father left it.
The quill has stains of ink on it, the parchment lay beside it.
The wardrobe had his father's belongings. Everything was in its place, the way his father used to keep them.
While the wardrobe was wide open, Alex's eyes fell on the drawer. On opening the drawer, he touched the belongings present inside. Lifting his hand up from the drawer, it struck against a sharp object.
Touching the object, he felt like it was some sort of key locked inside the keyhole. He gently twisted the key. As soon as it twisted, another secret drawer fell on the other drawer. A rolled paper, more like a canvas rolled down and landed on the other drawer.
It was tied with a golden ribbon.
He untied the ribbon smoothly, and open the canvas.
It was a beautiful lady's picture.
And he resembled her.