106 Ning Fus Orders (1/2)

Ning Fu had heard everything that was said between the monarch and his brother and he had an almost complete picture of what had happened.

He couldn't even deign to begin to understand what it must have taken for such a proud person to kneel in front of someone else to save another.

This act not only required selflessness, but it also requires humility and depth of brain that couldn't be comprehended.

Many Imperial members had done the same to save their loved ones, save their countries from invaders or simply to save their own skin.

However, whatever had transpired here was much more profound and hurtful.

Finished with her words, Su Li held her stomach as if the thought itself was painful to her on a visceral level.

In a broken voice, she pleaded.

”Just for this single night, let me alone and away from all the duties and expectations.”

Finished with her words, she turned her back on the three people she had left dumbstruck with her words and staggered away.

As the Head Commander stepped forward to go after the monarch, Ning Fu gripped his arm tightly and shook his head.

When it looked as if the other person would protest, Ning Fu spoke.

”His Majesty has been outside of the Palace for quite a long time. Even though we are all out in plain clothes, the news might leak from the Imperial Palace at any time. You had better hurry back and make sure that nobody goes in or out of the palace until His Majesty returns.”

”But His Majesty can't be left alone to wander around the streets. It is highly risky. Everyone is eyeing the monarch and to leave him alone at such a time is tantamount to inviting the wolves inside.”

Ning Fu nodded soberly.

”You go and inform the Empress Dowager so that she can keep the Inner Palace in order in His Majesty's absence since none of the Shadow Guards is allowed to roam inside the Inner Palace.”

The Head Commander thought it was a reasonable plan of action. At least, if anybody tried to take advantage of the monarch's absence, they would have the Empress Dowager to hold the fort down.