24 Chapter 24: Establish the Code (1/1)

Soon Asura and others arrived at the sea of adventurers. They were still having a standoff with Pharos and Xato. The compelling scene had propelled the rest of the Honour Guards to awaken their Unyielding Spirit as well. A heroic vibe emanated from them. It seemed as if they would sacrifice heart, limb and soul to defend their one and only Lord. At this point, the Honour Guards gave birth to a code that would live with their team for time immemorial. This code would become synonymous with their names and many others would be modelled around. But no one would ever dare to copy the code in fear of disrespecting it and bringing disgrace to those who swore by it. Not even the most heinous of villains or the most condescending and prideful of people would dare say that they would copy the code.

Seas of fires, quench mine thirst

Mountains of blades, traverse unharmed

None provoke, Divine rebellion we durst

All for our Lord, doth not be alarmed

Harm not innocents, bring to Heaven we shall

Seven Sins purify, all enemies tremble

All can fit for Hell has Eighteen Halls

No false verdict, See through all dissemble

Two Flames, A Mage on Royal Bird

Two bring light, Intertwine Black and White

A Smith so Divine, An Army so Unrivalled

As the groups stared at each other, a short-tempered demon could no longer hold himself back. Dashing recklessly towards the ocean he dove in and swam, his lifeguard in quick pursuit sighing throughout. ”Attack!” Asura yelled as he energetically bolted to the ocean. Crowncrest rose and took the skies as Delsair rained down arrows making it seem as if the Heavens cried. She created a sea of them with different elemental arrows. Kerrigan thrust her right hand to the skies and cast [Thunder Storm] and purple coloured lighting erratically stuck the sea with no precision. Then she cast [Chain Lightning] with her another hand and a constant stream of yellow blinding light quickly made its way to the ocean. The lightning bathed in the oceans as howls were cried by the countless fish that she had caught. Despite their unyielding front, the adventurers had not recovered from the sea of fire caused by Pharos and Xato. Speaking of which the mischevious children still dance happily in their hands waiting for an opportunity to not simply cause chaos but a wanton rampage.

Yet another mischevious child was desperately slashing about in the ocean as he tried to breathe. But the ocean was relentless and pushed him down trying to pull him to the depths to drown. This child had seemingly forgotten the ten pairs of black wings that lay dormant on his back like a decoration. Above him, his lifeguard constantly released a golden light as she tried to save him. No matter how hard she tried she simply couldn't land as the hungry pack of adventurers below her looked at her, their eyes shining with avarice. She wasn't so innocent to believe that this was the adventurers being unyielding. As an angel, she had inherited memories from her predecessors. This was what made them such terrifying warriors. Angels would already have battle experience upon birth and the failures of their ancestors would be imprinted in their minds. This allowed them to improve upon failures and young children have the most creative ideas and solutions. The same rang true for demons. However, this inheritance contained very little clear information, most of it is really just instinct. This was why Mimphralgos was very reckless. Or maybe it's just that he was hit on the head when he was young and a few screws had gone loose. Would a few more knocks put them into place perhaps? Drathalsiel seriously meditated on this matter. She wanted to be able to fight and not be stuck babysitting this buffoon. She sighed in exasperation as she kept chasing after the child who had found a butterfly.

Azzid and Asura were everywhere. They were too fast for anyone to clearly see them allowing them to cause massive damage to the adventurers. However, the missing water would just be replaced with more water and the sea seemingly seemed endless. But was it truly endless? Asura and Azzid swore to see to it that it wasn't they furiously dashed and cut all those in their way. Overall, Asura was more dangerous and efficient as he could draw his blade slash just as fast as he was moving. In fact, it may even be faster! Not even his afterimages showed him drawing his blade. This allowed him to gain a sudden burst of speed as he doesn't always have to run at full speed. However, Azzid had to always run at full tilt as he couldn't swing as fast as Asura. Although he had twice the number of blades his style of fighting was different. He excelled at assassination not face to face combat. Though he wasn't exactly fighting face to face he was still repeating the same moves over and over again and his targets were expecting him. This caused his efficiency to drop. Furthermore, he got tired way faster than Asura as he had to use his full power for longer than Asura did. Asura would only use it in short bursts allowing him to rest in between bursts. But if Azzid rested then he would be dead. Fortunately, Delsair was able to give him some breathing room with her occasional rain of arrows which would give him a short respite from the raging ocean waves which have grown to be more agitated. This might be due to fear and realisation of the power of their enemies. Although none of the other adventurers had lived, these adventurers still came with hopes that the others had attacked in small teams or were wiped out by other monsters which were why they never returned. Greed was like that, it could twist a person's common sense. Especially when it had become avarice.