12 Chapter 12: Cannon Fodder Or Talents? (1/1)
Marcus once again switched his attention to his Honour Guards. They had already defeated the group of fifteen and have encountered yet another group. Somehow the news of there being humanoids in the 1st Floor of the dungeon has spread in the outside world and more and more adventurers have been assaulting the Honour Guards lately. Most adventurers would now greet them with ”Make me rich!” or ”Give me your body!” They were still stuck in the valley; surrounded by dozens of adventurers. They have tried to break through the encirclement or blockade of adventurers but they made a literal wall of bodies. The number of bodies that piled up on the battlefield has amounted to a small mountain. However, the waves of adventurers were never-ending and they weren't scared away by the bodies but instead it...it made them more excited? The Honour Guards were extremely confused when they first saw this transpiring. They were even starting to suspect that the people of the Dungeon World lacked sympathy and that their reproduction rate was faster than the Honour Guard's killing rate.
Marcus saw this and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Even he was surprised at the unceasing waves of adventurers laying down their lives in front of his Honour Guards. He welcomed this event though since it was good training for his Honour Guards. When they break through the blockade...no, if they can break through the blockade, they will be able to coordinate with each other without even making eye contact. Not that they needed to since they had telepathy but that's beside the point. The point is that they would have impeccable teamwork. ”Go take some beasts from the 1st Floor and host a competition in the territory of the human race. Weed out ten candidates and send them to the Training Grounds and have them train,” Marcus said to Gaia, ”Have Granmir make some decent armour for them as well; nothing too good but good enough so that they don't die in a strike.” ”I'll get going then.” Gaia then disappeared in a flash of light. Marcus simply kept watching his Honour Guards. He didn't care what about the training entailed since in his eyes this team was only cannon fodder which would help him achieve his goal. A ruthless move but a necessary one if wants to keep his head, his dungeon and all the privileges that come with it.
Gaia soon returned in a flash of light once again. It loved to make a grand entrance even though only Marcus ever sees it. Marcus always wanted to ask it how it developed such a hobby but he refrained in fear of hurting its feelings. ”How did it go?” Marcus asked uninterestedly.
”Quite well actually,” Gaia said, ”I think I found some talents that could make decent leaders if properly groomed.”
”Leaders? What kind?” Marcus curiously asked as he turned his eyes over.
”Pack Leader/Chieftain/Tribe Leader/Alpha level or whatever you want to call it,” Gaia replied.
Marcus quickly lost interest and turned away, ”Oh.”
”Don't be discouraged brother. At least this means that we can command the inhabitants of the dungeon much better,” Gaia quickly comforted him. It knew that he still harboured dreams of winning the Gate to Vega with warriors other than his Honour Guards. After all, an ace would no longer be an ace if it was used too frequently. ”Oh right!” Gaia said, ”The humans, elves and dwarves are in a civil war.”
”Eh? That's good news,” Marcus said as his eyes lit up.
”Indeed,” Gaia bobbed happily, ”Warriors are only created in the battlefield.”
”Just make sure that they don't blow themselves up,” Marcus said as he walked away, ”Keep watch of my Honour Guards for me. If anything happens I'm in my room.” Gaia made a loud ding as confirmation.
Marcus walked back to his room deep in thought. He opened his door and plopped himself down and his bed. He stared at the night sky and contemplated his feelings. He felt extremely torn by his decision and wanted to go back on his word. He had lived for at least a hundred years - he stopped counting after one hundred. In his long years, not once did he like the idea of 'sacrificing a person for the greater good'. Everyone that he had ever fought with or he commanded to fight; he treated them as brothers and sisters. Even he was to fight with slaves he would still treat them as brothers and sisters. This was the code of brotherhood that ran deep with his veins. This one of the reasons why the Primalborn died out as a race. They were a noble warrior race known for their valour and kindness. However, they were too kind. They were the kind of people to help their mortal enemies and even sacrifice their lives for them. It didn't take the Gods much to play the race to their doom. Later generations learned to be more shrewd and calculating but they were never able to get rid of the kindness that ran deep within their veins. This was why Marcus was hesitating and doubting his decision. But most of all it surprised him that he was even able to make such a decision after a little hesitation. Did his resurrection do something about his fatal flaw? Is this a good change or a bad one? Will this turn him into an uncaring killing maniac?
Hundreds of questions flooded his head as he lay there staring at the sky. His mind raced as he considered his actions and their possible consequences. He laid down for three consecutive hours and racked his brain for answers. In the end, he simply sighed and chided himself, ”Marcus you almost died because of your kindness and valour and now that you have the ability to resist it you question your choices? How foolish. You know exactly what kind of world you're in Marcus. A world where the strong reins supreme, not a peaceful world where kindness is valued. Here kindness will only get you killed. However, remember to NEVER COMMIT GENOCIDE WITHOUT REASON. That woulddisappoint your ancestors and you be no different from a machine made to battle and kill.” He smiled as his mind was in peace.
He then stood up and prepared to create Skills and Magic for his followers. ”I need to have a good reward for my warriors that have done meritorious deeds. I also need a way to train my warriors in better Skills and Magic. That reminds me, I need to give my Honour Guards some skills... Oh well, I'll give it to them when they come back.”