42 Annas Second Meeting (1/2)
John chuckles to himself after remembering that final gamble. 'I was probably saved by Felix's inscription if the energy wasn't redirected...' he thinks while looking at one of his branches, 'I wouldn't have had any soul left. Well, perhaps I should try and talk sense to that poor girl.'
He then enters Anna's dream once more. The dream is filled with fire and destruction. Anna stands with her husband listening to a large shadow solemnly. The shadow informs Anna that her parents died in some unknown place. Anna reaches out for comfort from her husband. As her hands' wrap around him, he turns to smoke disappearing into the surrounding flames. They all left her alone in this unforgiving world.
Anna falls to her knees weeping for her lost love. She coils in the corner of a house long destroyed by war. She hides under a blanket from the horrors all around her. Anna's bloodshot eyes gaze at the sky as her hair is disheveled by the firestorm, and her stoic exterior breaks, revealing a rabid beast as she unleashes a furious scream.
”So I take it this isn't the best time to visit?” John asks as his voice cuts through the chaos.
The sudden change in the dream world slowly brings Anna back to reality. The cloudy eyes of a dreamer fade and her demeanor slowly returns to normal. As she gets to her feet, she glances annoyed at the intruder. ”Coming and going as you please in my dreams is pretty rude, don't you think?” Anna scoffed.
”Sorry about that,” John says as he rubs his head sheepishly, ”I heard you were getting married and decided to check in on you.” He then blows away the burning setting changing it to a quiet garden. A table and chairs were once again waiting for the two.
”It looks more like you came to lecture me,” Anna responds with a frown. She runs her hand through her hair setting it back into order. ”It's been a while I thought you left. Didn't you promise to help my son train? Yet you haven't entered his dreams for weeks!” she questions the ghost accusingly.
John smiles warmly at the angry mother as he sits down. ”Calm down and have a seat. I've recently been indisposed so I couldn't visit for a while,” He replies while waving his hand to the chair across from him. The chair pulls itself out from the table as if beckoning to the woman.
The Anna exhales deeply to regain her calm. She was still agitated from her dream and needed to calm down. ”Fine senior we'll do as you say,” she relents as she quickly takes her seat. 'What can keep a ghost so busy,' she wonders as she inspects the old ghost across from her.
Noticing the inquisitive looks of the mother John shakes his head. ”It's nothing interesting I just had a bit of an accident recently,” he states simply.
”What kind of accident can a ghost have?” she asks with doubt in her voice.
”There are many dangers for ghosts. In fact, there are more dangers for ghosts then there are for humans!” John answers the young mother with flair. ”I appreciate your concern though. If you wish to speak about my troubles, I don't mind, but I suspect you'd prefer to chat about something more close to home,” he jokes.
Anna sighs as she rests her chin in her hand while leaning on the table. ”Fine, please grant me your great wisdom,” she concedes.
”Haha, I don't have any great knowledge to pass on... But are you sure this is what you want?” John asks as he leans back in his chair. His eyes gleaming with sagacity.
Anna frowns at the question and replies, ”I don't understand what you mean by that? Is there a problem with me marrying for children? Isn't it normal for a woman to get what she wants through marriage?”