Chapter 16 - Dilemma (1/2)
Ever since that day, Alex had been constantly visiting the Burghley Mansion. He show up dressed up for work and eat breakfast with them, before heading out. At most, he would have his breakfast with them 3-5 times a week. Since he has lunch and dinner meetings, he wasn't able to join them. Don't get it wrong though, Alex only viewed this as a step to get closer to his son. He wouldn't wanna admit it, but he had been looking forward to seeing and talking to April.
Alex had never slept in the Burghley Mansion, He would always wake up early just to join them for breakfast. He was putting all efforts on the table now, he had been relieved since he didn't have to hide it from his wife.
Ever since that fight , He and Francesca had never talked again. This is common on their marriage. Usually, Alex would let Francesca cool off before talking to her again. It didn't look good in this point of view, but this is how they make it work. Francesca was too much independent from him, that he himself felt like they weren't married sometimes. She just do what she wants, she didn't even changed her last name to his. That was one of their arguments too. Since Alex loved her too much, he had let it go when their arguments didn't solved anything.
It's not like he didn't want to fix this issue or let their arguments ran longer, Francesca just didn't like talking to him after arguing. Before, he would constantly be following her around for forgiveness. Until he noticed that, she wouldn't change her mind until you do what she wants. That or You let her cool down for a month, Else she would only ignore you. Being her husband is not easy, but what can he do? He loved her ever since high school, She was Alex's first love.
Back then, They were inseparable. He wanted to know what went wrong too, but Francesca would only brush it off or change the topic. If Alex tries to push her to talk, she will only get mad and then ended up having a big argument. He was in a constant loop-hole, there wasn't any ending point.
The knowledge of having a son blew his mind. He had always wanted to have kids, but Francesca didn't want it yet. She would always reason out that she was busy and doesn't have time for them yet. He didn't pushed it anymore since it'll end up to another argument.
It was almost Two months since April and Sky had moved to England. Alex's morning visitation was actually fruitful, Sky would now sometimes initiate talking to him. Problem is, Sky wouldn't call him dad or father. Alex kept trying to make Sky say it, but his son would just ignore him. His son was too smart for his age. He was thinking of a way to fix this, when his office door opened.
”When are you going to introduced me to my grandson!? Its been almost two months!” Theo Hawthorne barged in his son's office.
”Yes, you can't keep out little grandson away from us dear. You're father and I had been wanting to meet him since a year ago.” Phoebe Hawthorne fake sniff on her handkerchief.
”There, there. It's alright dear. I'll make sure we will see him today! Or my name is not Hawthorne!” Theo patted his wife's back. He knew that she was only faking it. They had it planned before coming, to force their son in the corner.
”Dad! Mom!” Alex got up. He felt a headache in his head.
Theo assisted his wife to sit on the couch before acknowledging his son.
”You little bastard! When are you going to bring my grandson in front of us? When we are dead?” Theo glared at his son. He and his wife had always loved children, They even built their on foundation to help the orphans or homeless children. As well as support other Charities and Foundations. Unfortunately, They only had one son. His wife had a complication in the uterus when Alex was 2 years old, resulting for her to be unable to give birth again.
Theo had always spoiled his wife since then, more than he did before the incident. Now that they finally had a blood related grandson in their midst, they couldn't wait for them to meet him!
”Soon, I promised you guys already. Its just that Sky and April just got here. I don't want them to be rushed. There's the issue about the public as well as April's stability.