10 Out of the woods (1/2)

”Glad you understand Knight”.

”Just try not to kill too many people in the Slave city''

”You know about me” Don declared.

”That's what I am afraid of” Knight frowned and ruffled his hair, let out a small laugh.


Uncle Dior packed the things for the journey and came to meet Don near the hut, Amaryll was also present in the situation with Elrond.

Uncle Dior wore a black robe with a hood to hide his pointy ears and face.

”Uncle Dior is everything ready for the journey” Arwen couldn't help but ask, the forest was equally dangerous as it was beautiful so Arwen didn't want them to be unprepared.

”Yes, We can depart when Don arrives” everyone looked at Don's hut and expected him to come out.

”What is he doing?” Amaryll was not good at waiting so she wanted to go inside the hut and drag him out but before she did that she had a bold out of the blue as another youth came out of the hut.

Everyone expected Don to come out but the one stepped out of the hut was definitely not Don, this youth had a brown long hair, he was not handsome as Don just an average looking guy, he wore a worn-out brown robe matching his hair color.

The elves were startled to see the mysterious youth but they quickly recovered from the initial shock and got into a defensive position.

Arwen immediately took out his bow and aimed an arrow at the youth while Amaryll took out a dagger and came in front of Elrond and guarded him with her body, Uncle Dior took out a weapon which looked like a small-sized crossbow and aimed at him.

”Relax it's Don” a lazy voice came from the hut as Knight stepped out.

The elves looked at Knight then the youth whom Knight claims to be Don but the elves didn't let down their guard.

Knight saw that the elves didn't believe him, he shook his head

”Don take out that mask before they hurt themselves with those weapons”

Don nodded to Knight and took off his mask and revealed his real face. The mask flickered light when he did that, the mask looked like it was made of porcelain, there was no hair attached to the mask but it was a magical feature of it.

The elves were visibly startled but seeing Don made them relax, Arwen lowered his bow. Amaryll unsheathed her dagger and stared at the mask with sparkling eyes, Uncle Dior hid his crossbow and loosened up his tensed body.

”How how do you? what what is that thing” Amaryll couldn't finish the sentence she was too excited as she ran forward to Don and took out the mask out of his hands and started to inspect it, she first tapped the mask with her fingers then felt it surface then held it over her head and looked at in the sunlight.

Don knew about the curious nature of this elf so he let her play with the mask for a bit while Arwen looked a little embarrassed with his sister's reaction.

”So what is this thing?” Amaryll asked again.

”It's a magic mask” Don answered. ”Obviously” Knight retorted looking at the elf but the elf didn't seem to mind and put the mask on her face,

Arwen and Uncle Dior watched this scene with an open mouth, she didn't even ask Don's permission to look at the mast let alone trying it on.

Arwen wanted to pinch Amaryll's pointy ears with all his might, he was too embarrassed.

”You can't use it, the mask only works with battle energy”

Amaryll seemed disappointed at Don's answer she held onto it for a moment before she handed over him the mask in an embarrassed manner.

Don took the mask from Amaryll's hands and placed it on his face, the mask let out a small glimmer of light and altered its size to fit his face.

Don's face started to shift into the previous youth's face while his raven black hair disappeared and the brown long hair started to grow.

”Uh uh” uncle Dior cleared his throat

”Can we go now? We have a long journey before us” Uncle Dior started to slowly walk away.

Don nodded and took off his ring and threw it to Knight.